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Waking up to the sound of a baby crying was definitely something that would take some getting used to,  but Olivia would take that over her alarm clock any day of the week. Hearing Noah's cry's meant it was real, that he was her son, and she was in fact, a mother. Throwing back the covers and making her way to his bedroom, Olivia started her day. Having been together for a couple days already, the pair were slowly settling into a routine. "Hello mama's big boy! Did you sleep well?" she talks to Noah as she reaches down into the crib. Scooping him up, along with his baby blanket, she changed his diaper and made her way to the kitchen.

Setting Noah down in his high chair Olivia gets his breakfast ready. Having read a few baby books she read that Noah, was in fact, old enough to start eating real food along with the bottles he was already being fed. Olivia had  bought a baby food maker from the store, determined to keep his diet as healthy and organic as possible, she set off on making him some pureed bananas.  Bringing the bananas over with his bottle and a bib, Olivia got ready for breakfast time with a baby. While not the cleanliest of tasks, Noah had to be the cutest baby in the world. Maybe she was biased because he was her son but you couldn't convince her of that.   

Making airplane noises and all of the funny faces she could think of Olivia had managed to get Noah to eat more than half of his banana's. She wiped off the rest of the banana that was on his face, wiping it off of his pants, wondering how it even got down there "Aren't you just the messiest eater ever? But you're so cute that I won't hold it against you." Picking him up out of the high chair Olivia moved to the chair in the living room to give him his bottle.  Cradling him in her arms she held the bottle out to him. Noah reaching out towards the bottle, tried to help guide the nipple towards his mouth "Are you gonna be mama's little helper Noah?"

After finishing breakfast and getting him ready for the day Olivia decided to take her first walk with Noah. While it took a little longer to get out the door now, having to get a diaper bag stuffed full of all the possible things they might need for their day out, Olivia and Noah were finally ready to start their day. After struggling to get the stroller out of the door, with the diaper bag and Noah on her hip, Olivia made to it to the elevator and out onto the street.

She pushed the stroller down the street a couple of blocks, never letting anyone get too close to the stroller containing a very precious little boy. She couldn't be sure if was because of her years in the Special Victims Unit or quite possible her maternal instincts, were in fact, kicking in. Either way, she would keep her son safe.

Making their way down the street she pushed the stroller into a little boutique that sold one of a kind baby clothes. Olivia never saw herself as the type of mother to dress her child in high priced frilly baby clothes that would only get dirty in a matter of hours, but standing in the middle of the store, surrounded by all the little boy's clothes, she just couldn't stop herself. Maneuvering the stroller through the store was no easy task, but she managed. As Noah sat in the stroller content to suck on his pacifier, Olivia continued to peruse the store, finding several items just too cute to pass up. One thing she found was a red knitted sweater with a small patched teddy bear. Even though he wouldn't be wearing it any time soon, Olivia could see him wearing it outside once the weather turned to fall, surrounded by all of the fallen leaves.  She could see him rolling around, picking up the leaves in his chubby little hands, watching as the shredded leaves would crumple into tiny little pieces all around him.

After looking around the store and finding some other items she liked, Olivia paid for her things, and was on her way. She didn't have any plans today except to bond with her little boy. She wondered around the city for about an hour, passing several different boutiques and stores.  Olivia  passed a daycare facility and she realized that she would probably have to find a suitable place for Noah when she went back to work. Finding a place that would accommodate her hours was sure to be impossible. She had to stop herself from thinking too far ahead. She's only had Noah for about three days and thinking about parting with him already was just proving to be too much. Lucky for her, Olivia had at least a month before she would have to return as CO of the 16th Precinct. She decided to put off looking for a daycare for a couple weeks until she figured out exactly what her schedule would look like.

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