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Olivia sat back in Nick's chair and stared at the white board, her feet propped up on the desk and her hands folded on top of her belly.

The squad had been working on a case for three days now and nothing was clicking...There were no suspects, no DNA, and barely any evidence.

"Did we check the girl's Uncle? Says he just got out of prison last week," Olivia voiced.

"I'll call his probation officer...see when his next visit is supposed to be," Amanda replied, looking through the folder and finding the number.

Nick set Olivia's cup of tea on the desk, "If it was her Uncle, why would she cover for him?"

"Thank you," Olivia said gratefully, taking a sip from her cup and he nodded. "I think our next move is question the family...see if they were close. He was only in for a year, see if they had any type of contact...maybe letters."

Amanda scribbled something on her note pad and hung up the phone, "He missed the appointment yesterday but I got the address he reported."

"Go check it out...take Nick with you," Olivia replied, looking between them with a raised brow.

"Yes, Cap." Amanda nodded, grabbing her coat and walking out of the squad room, Nick following behind her.

"They're going to be the death of me," Olivia quipped, taking another sip of her tea.

"They don't remind you of anyone?" Fin asked, looking over something on his computer.

She ran her finger around the rim of her glass, "Me and Elliot were not the same as them."

Fin let out a chuckle but bit it back, "Maybe not exactly but you gotta admit it's close...the fighting and shit like that's the same."

She shrugged, "Guess that's kinda the same but all I know is if they don't get their shit together soon I'm going to have to figure some things out."

"What are you gonna do if they don't?" Fin asked, looking to her.

"Don't know...hopefully they get it together," she said, pushing herself up from her chair. Standing next to Fin, she gave his shoulder a squeeze, "Times have changed."

"Don't I know it," she heard him say with a chuckle as she walked away.

Nick and Amanda were able to track down the Uncle and they nailed him to the wall later that evening.

"El, I'm home," Olivia called, closing the back door behind her and hanging her coat on the hook.

Jax came running, stopping dead in front of her and nuzzling into her belly. "Hey boy," she smiled, crouching down and giving him some loving. He licked her cheek and she giggled.

"Hey, baby," Elliot smiled, coming to the door and pushing Jax back a little so he could take her in his arms. "How was your day?"

"Good...the usual," she shrugged, wrapping her arms around his middle. "Missed you."

"Missed you too," he murmured, kissing her lips softly. "Hope you're hungry...I made dinner."

"Smells good," she smiled, following him into the kitchen.

"I made you salmon since we haven't had it in a while and I know how much you love it," he told her, turning to the stove and fixing her up a plate.

"You're too good to me," she said, resting her hands on his back and leaving a kiss through his shirt.

"Mama home," Noah called, or more like mumbled, through a mouthful of food.

"Hi, little man," Olivia cooed, kissing his forehead and stealing a piece of broccoli from his tray. "Make sure you chew it up."

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