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Elliot was off for the summer and he was enjoying every minute of it. With Olivia being off as well, they got to spend every minute together. While to most people that would be too much and become annoying very quickly, they loved it. They had never gotten an opportunity to spend time with one another uninterrupted like this and  being able to spend it with both Olivia and Noah, it was wonderful. Noah was growing so quickly and being able to watch as he hit every milestone, no matter how small, was a gift to Elliot.

The new family would spend lazy days on the couch or go to the park, even making an occasional stop down at the precinct. Even though she was off, Fin, Nick, or Amanda would call her from time to time to get her input on certain cases.

Elliot was laying on the couch with Olivia in one arm and Noah in the other, both sleeping. The two sleeping bodies in his arms held his heart, and the woman in his right arm was carrying the most precious thing. Over the last week he really had the time to think about it and this baby was such an amazing gift. He never thought that he would ever get this chance but he was thankful he had. This woman had not only given him herself, in every sense of the word, but she had given him Noah and she was giving him this new baby. She was breathing life back into him. Together, they were creating the family they had both dreamed about, and the one Olivia so deeply deserved.

The morning sickness had started a few days ago and he knew that this pregnancy was going to take a toll on her. When Kathy was pregnant with Eli,  it had been hard and she had been several years younger than Olivia was now, but Olivia strong. Throughout everything, he just hoped he could be everything she was going to need and that she would lean on him for strength and support.

Elliot watched as Noah stirred in his sleep. His arm moving to rest on Elliot's chest and his lashes moved against the tops of his cheeks. As if Olivia sensed it, her hand made its way across Elliot's chest and to Noah's stomach. She moved her hand up to his arms and down to his feet, resting it on his chest. She nuzzled her face into Elliot's chest and let out a sigh.

Elliot brought his hand up and stoked it through her hair. She was never more peaceful than when she asleep in his arms. One of her arms was resting on Noah and the other was protectively splayed across their unborn child.

He hadn't told her, but he had caught her awake in the middle of the night on her phone under the covers. While he hadn't asked what she was doing, he was sure it had to do with the baby. They had put off reading through all of the pamphlets and papers until the day before the appointment, and since the appointment was tomorrow, they would be going through it later today.

They wanted to live in that perfect little world for just a while longer. That state of ignorant bliss that the pregnancy would go well, that Olivia would remain healthy and their baby would be born perfect ... in every way. The pamphlets and papers threatened to shatter that. They were filled with statistics and proven facts of how unlikely a healthy child, and easy pregnancy, would be. He was going to hold onto that hope for as long as he could, and whatever journey they were going to face, they would do so together. Elliot ran his fingers through Olivia's hair a while longer until he also fell asleep.

Elliot awoke a while later when a flash had startled him. He blinked quickly trying to adjust to the lighting when he heard Olivia curse under her breath.

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