Ch. 53

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"The baby looks good," Dr. Childs said as she moved the transducer over Olivia's skin. "He's looking good for thirty weeks...about seventeen inches long and three and a half pounds." 

"Wow...he's already three pounds?" Olivia asked while starring at the monitor. 

"He's a good size, he'll start filling out significantly these next eight or nine weeks," Dr. Childs told them. "Have you had any braxton hicks contractions?" 

"Just a few every once and a while...they never hurt," Olivia replied, wiping the gel off of her skin. She could feel Elliot's eyes on her but she didn't look at him, she knew he would be upset she didn't tell him about the contractions and it was reinforced when she heard him sigh. 

Dr. Childs nodded, "That's normal. As long as they aren't painful and you aren't getting more than four in an hour you're fine." She looked over the chart, "I'm actually going to get you set up to have a 3D ultrasound in a couple of weeks."

"Why? Is everything alright?" Olivia asked quickly.

Dr. Childs smiled and rested her hand on Olivia's shoulder, "Everything is fine. The 3D ultrasound just allows us to get a closer look at the baby and it gives the parents a real chance to see what their baby looks like. You can usually see their facial features clearly...sometimes their lips are moving or they're sucking their thumb and you can see all of that." 

"That sounds nice," Olivia smiled and visibly relaxed and she looked to Elliot who just nodded his head, listening to Dr. Childs. 

"I'll schedule it for two or three weeks from gives the baby more time to plump up and get cuter," Dr. Childs chuckled. "You know the drill, if anything feels off or you have any questions give me a call." 

"I will," Olivia nodded, shaking her hand. 

"Thank you," Elliot said, following suit.

"My pleasure. Have a nice holiday and don't take on too much with the still need to rest," Dr. Childs said before leaving the room. 

Olivia got down from the table, grabbing her jacket and doing her best to zip it up but with her belly in the way she couldn't exactly see the zipper. Elliot watched her and did his best to suppress a chuckle but she heard him and shot him a glare, "Are you going to help me or just sit there and laugh because you're pregnant wife can't zip her damn coat?"

He stood from his chair, standing nose to nose with her, "Are you going to start telling me when you're having braxton hicks contractions and anything else that's going on with you and the baby?" 

Her head dropped and her hands stopped fiddling with the zipper, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you...I know they're harmless and I didn't want to worry you."

"I worry about you no matter what," he sighed, zipping her coat up around the bump. "I worry more when you keep things from me." 

"I'm sorry," she said softly, taking his hand in hers and giving it a gentle squeeze. "I'll tell you when anything happens, I promise." 

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