Chapter 12: Reaper Rising

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Previously On Assassins Creed Part One: Connections....

"So what's the plan now Alpha, cause right now I'm getting blown left and right by this win-" Chad says before hearing a helicopter fly over him. "Helo, find cover you two!"

"Who's Helo is that Beta?" Cameron says over the coms as Ally ducked out of sight, not wanting to take any chances.

Chad adjusts his scope to get a better view of the person leaving the Helicopter. "That would be Miss Commander Granderi. Our first target on our list," Chad says with eagerness in his voice.

"Okay, well you ready to finish this?" Ally says to Cameron, Cameron with a smile on his face, nods towards her.

"Let's finish this together," He touches her hand, Ally softly nods as they both run to the door and enter into the lab.


~Templar Science Division~

Cameron and Ally watch Emilia Granderi walk into the building from a small barricade near the entrance of the building, ''Alright she's in, lets go," Cameron says before getting cut off by Chad talking from the comms.

"Wait, you two have a guard patrol coming in from your four o'clock," Chad says while watching the patrol of two guards slowly walk towards Cameron and Ally.

"Well what do we do? Cause we can't stay here forever," Ally says quietly, trying to look over the barrier without getting spotted.

"I'm gonna try something, Luna, can you get control of Tiger and send him into the bushes to the guards right?" Chad says while still watching over the two Assassins.

"On it," Luna says while quickly running over to their laptop and taking control of Tiger, who is on Camerons chest, now flying it into the bush Chad mentioned. "Alright what do I do now?"

"Tiger, initiate scare protocol four," Chad says quickly, as Tiger then makes a growl noise from inside the bush and scares the two guards, having them turn and aim their weapons at the bush. "Okay you're clear, go now before you two lose your window!" He says quickly while watching the two guards still focused on the bush.

"Alright let's go Ally," Cameron takes Ally's hand and the two Assassins run quickly towards the door which Emilia went through, as Tiger regains control and quickly fly's after the two and lands on Camerons chest again, acting as a body-cam.

"Alright, where are we heading Beta?" Ally says while crouching behind Cameron.

"Okay, so it looks like you two need to go into the hallway to your left and make your way to the end of the hall, from there you can take the third door on the far right side and go up to the tenth landing. Be careful of the guards cause I'm certain there will be more inside than out," Chad replied speaking over the mic.

"Copy," Ally and Cameron both reply before looking at each other and giving a small smile to each other, sneakily walking down the corridor and opening the door to the stairwell, after a couple of flights, the two then stand outside the door waiting for the all clear signal from Luna who is taking care of the security systems.

"Lunny, anytime now," Cameron says after waiting for what seems like forever, when in reality it was only three seconds.

"Oh shut it Cameron, I just started," They say with an annoyed tone. "Okay cameras are in a loop you two are clear to-" They then get cut off by Ruby.

"So Luna.. I wanted to know.. Um.. What do you think of Beta?" They ask shyly before hearing Luna yell Ruby's name and cutting their comms off.

"Alright then," Cameron says with a slight chuckle. "Beta where are we going?"

Assassins Creed Fan Story : Part One: ConnectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora