Chapter 11: According To Plan

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Previously On Assassins Creed Part One: Connections....

"I wanted to apologize for my mistrust of you, I realize now the lengths you went to, it was wrong of me to hate you as much as I did, though, I'm still not happy you tried to kill me when we first met," Ally light-heartedly joked with Chad.

Chad only sighed in response, "And I need to apologize to you, I should have gotten the full story before jumping to conclusions." Chad smiled slightly at her as he went over to the nightstand and set the tray down and grabbed the coffee, immediately taking a massive gulp of the beverage, "Ah, coffee, can't live without it," He chuckled as he looked over at Ally, a strange sort of twinkle, in his eye.


~Luna's Apartment~

After a short while of conversing with Chad, Ally left his room and went back to the kitchen to go pick up another one of the trays. She smiled briefly at Cameron when she walked past him, she carefully picked up one of the two other trays, while that happens, Cam goes back upstairs to go take a shower. Ally quickly delivered the tray of food to Ruby, before going back for the other and getting it to Luna. After all was said and done, Ally went back to the void room and started training.

"Need a sparring partner?" A familiar voice rang out in the dark room as the bright light was flipped on, its harsh glare beat down on Ally's skin.

"Huh? Oh, hey, Chad. Um, yeah sure, maybe it will help me step up my a-game. After All, we all need to be prepared for the fight to come." She smiled slightly as she looked over to the figure in the doorway. Chad smiled back as he walked over, the two bow to each other before Chad threw the first punch, Ally quickly caught his hand and twisted it back, throwing her punch right up into his jaw. He quickly ducked out of the way of the punch and hurriedly swept Ally's legs out from underneath her, causing her to grunt once she hit the hard floor below. "Ow"

"Heh, sorry about that Ally, maybe you should rest a bit more- AH!" Chad was cut off as Ally tackled him to the ground, another wrestling match breaking out between the two of them. Chad tried shoving her off himself, by pushing her by the face, only to yelp in pain once she bit down on his hand a little too hard.

"Keep your guard up Chad" Cameron says, leaning on the rails of the balcony area, watching over the wrestling match below him, obviously trying not to laugh from the treatment Chad got to his hand, said person was holding his hand gingerly, a small trail of blood dripping down.

"Heh... now I should be the one who's sorry," Ally said to Chad, laughing as he glared at her.

"Yeah you should, I already have enough problems with getting hit in the head with a freaking frying pans, it's not fun, I'm saying that now," Chad stuck his tongue out childishly at Ally.

"Don't be mad that you got beaten by a girl-" Cameron gets cut off as Ruby dashes down the stairs and tackle-hugs Chad, "Nevermind, two girls can easily beat you up," Cameron laughs loudly as Chad glares up at him. Ruby, after a minute, lets go of Chad and runs up the stairs, stopping next to Cameron, their nose bleeding slightly but trying to hide it. "You okay Ruby?" Cameron asks as he turns around to look at Ruby.

Ruby squeaks as she runs up the stairs quickly towards Luna's Office "C-Cameron's... um, uh...shirtless," Ruby mumbled out as she hugged Luna, trying to hide her red face from the world. Luna sighed as they got up from their office chair and took a quick drink of coffee before walking down to the void room with a shirt in hand. Ruby followed after Luna, the two then noticed Cameron watching Ally and Chad sparring again, the two fighting were covered in sweat and a few scrapes and bruises. But that's not what bothered Ruby the most, she noticed all the scars that littered Camerons frame, leading her to question how much pain that he's gone through.

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