Chapter 5: Sacrifices and Choices

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(Credit to the owner of the art in the chapter title, if you are the owner and want it taken down let us know)

Previously on Assassins Creed Part One, Connections

"What if there was a traitor in Creed, hmm? They believe me more, and have evidence of you attacking me. You would be killed on the spot for treason so it's either you help us or death?... your choice"

"That's where you're wrong Alpha. You helped the target. Your target, escape, like I said before if you don't take the target out it's anyone's game. So if you wanna pull rank on me I'd suggest you think about what you're saying, because you also would be targeted and exiled for this behavior." Chad looks at Cameron intently. "And if there was a traitor among us Alpha, they would have to get past the Master Assassin because as you well know he takes control of everything inside of the Creed. So your plan is flawed." Chad looks down with nothing more to say to Cameron as he walks back up the stairs furiously.

While all of this was going down, Luna was in their office going through a bunch of camera feeds, trying to figure out what happened, also looking at the news to find an article of where Ally's past suddenly happened. By the time the two were done talking, they had found it.


September 11th 2:35 Am

-At Luna's Apartment complex-

Meanwhile Cameron and Chad are still at each other's throats at two in the morning, surprisingly enough, not disturbing anyone. While they were continuing to argue, Luna pulled up a security camera feed from Abstergo two months ago.

"Cameron come take a look at this..." Luna says with a shocked tone.

"Lulu what is it-" He asks as he walks into Luna's office, freezing when he sees the paused video. He went back to the void room, grabbed the back of Chad's chair and roughly dragged him into the office. Forcing Chad to look at the large central screen, Luna then unpaused the video.


A familiar figure was seen sneaking into an Abstergo facility, their blond hair flicked in and out of sight of one camera to another, they were then easily caught. It was Ally, she hadn't tried to sneak in, she had another motive in mind besides getting information from the Templars.


Luna paused the video, before turning to look back at the two boys behind them, "Are we sure we really want to watch the rest of the footage? Things may-" Luna then gets cut off by Cameron.

"Just continue the damn video!" Cameron says, interrupting Luna.

"Alright then..." Luna unpauses the video as a memory replays in Camerons head, "I tried to kill myself..." was on repeat in his mind, hoping it wasn't this mission, he continued to watch.


The cameras panned along nonchalantly as they surveyed the area from above, catching every sequence happening in quick succession. Ally was rushed by many Templar guards as someone in a robe stepped forward towards her as she was being held down by five guards, two of them brutes. From within the confines of the clean robe, the Templar pulled out a golden object that was soon revealed, "You are a fool for coming here, Assassin. But, I believe you could be our test subject for this synthetic Eden, do you have any last words you filth?" He seemed to be glaring down at the girl, a certain spark in their eyes.

"Just kill me you bastard..." Ally muttered as she let her head drop as she didn't fight back against the templars holding her. The Templar with the Eden merely smirked as they held the Eden over their head, a bright golden glow emitted from the piece. After a few moments, Ally screamed out in pain and agony, a small pool of blood forming beneath her, as blood slowly dripped from her eyes and ears.

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