-. .xxxiii.

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She hoped this wasn't going to become a reoccurring habit; waking up with stiff bones and a pulsing headache.

Grunting, she lifted her chin off her chest, trying to blink away the disorient blur that smudged her vision. Her brows pulled together as she surveyed her surroundings. It was a classroom. All the desks and chairs, with the exception of the chair she was sat on, had been shoved against the wall in a rush, iron legs protruded from the mass in jarred directions. Soot smothered the walls like coal on a white canvas, thick and saturated.

What happened here?

Moreover, why was she here?

A cold, sticky sweat gathered in her palms as all her memories of the previous twenty-four hours came rushing back. Her heart hammered in her chest, but she couldn't help wondering, why wasn't she tied to the chair?

Straining her ears, she tried to listen to any telltale signs her captive was near, but all that could be heard was her own uneven breaths and a faint, soft dripping from another room. With tentative movements, she tried to stand on her feet when a sudden white-hot pain exploded in her left leg and she buckled to the group with a cry of pain that echoed through the empty halls of the school.

With parted lips, she used her arms to push herself up as she inspected what happened. When she looked down at her ankle, she immediately caught sign of the problem; it puckered and swollen, tinged with an angry purple and red bruise traveling to below her shoe. It throbbed with an intensity that rivalled the way it looked and she felt her bottom lip tremble.

That was why she wasn't tied to the chair. He had no need to.

Soojin inhaled deeply through her nose. This was all just a game to him, and she was a mere pawn. This was never her story, she was a means to an end, another nameless young victim, her only idenity being her murder. Squeezing her eyes shut as they began to sting, she pushed all those thoughts to the back of her head. Whether they were true or not, she wasn't dead yet.

Sure, she couldn't stand, but that didn't mean it was over. Gritting her teeth, she used her arms and her good leg to drag herself along the floor, shards of plaster dug into the palms of her hands, but the pulsating sting of her ankle drowned out the discomfort.

As she reached the hallway, she eyed each stretch cautiously, half expecting Yoongi to already be waiting for her. But much like the classroom, it was desolate, void of life. The windows that lined the adjacent wall of the hallway were covered in the same thick soot from the classroom, filtering the natural light into a dark tinge. It was almost like Yoongi knew the perfect spots to recreate his very own horror scenes.

Soojin twisted her body too fast, putting pressure on her busted ankle and she hissed through her teeth, her expression contorting with the pain she was trying to bite back. Glass scraped along the ceramic tiles as she pulled herself along, hoping she was at least heading the right way to the stairs. And then, all of a sudden, her back hit something. Weird, she mused inwardly, she could have sworn there were no sudden pillars blocking her path.

"Going somewhere?"

She froze at the sound of his voice, her own fear paralysing her as Yoongi moved to be in her line of sight. He smiled wryly before crouching to her height, brushing his hair away from his eyes to see her better, or more specifically, to inspect her ankle better.

"Ouch," He bit his lip before looking back up at her, "That look painful, you should really be more careful."

"What did you do to me?" Word fell together, coming out in a deep exhale as she leaned back, trying to create space between the two of them.

"This is the final chapter," Yoongi rested his elbows on his knees, planting his cheek in his palm as he looked down at her with disinterest, "Tying you to a chair as we waited for your knight in shining armour to come didn't seem very fitting." With his free hand, he poked her swollen ankle without warning, causing her to yelp at the sudden wave of pain, "Relax, it's not broken, I just hit it really hard with a chair leg... Well, actually, I guess it could be broken, I don't really know, I'm not a doctor." Standing back to his feet, he glanced around the hallway, sighing with nostagia, "You know, just down this hallway and to the left, that's where I first met Kim Taehyung."

Soojin couldn't bring herself to speak. What could she say that would even guarantee her life? Instead she listened, hoping by doing so she could buy herself some time.

"Jaehee introduced us and I didn't think it was appropriate since we were in school, but she was so excited that she couldn't wait," A flicker of a smile touched his lips ever so slightly, filled with nothing but sadness, "I told him, right there, right in front of his friends that if he didn't look after my sister, that if he made her cry even once, I'd kill him. And do you know what he did? He promised me that he'd never do that, he only wanted to make her happy."

Yoongi's fists clenched by his sides, "He may have broke his promise to me, but I sure as hell plan on keeping my promise to him, even if it kills me."

This was the most erratic she had ever seen Yoongi. His wild expression, his heavy breathing; he wasn't thinking the way he did before. This was all planned on his emotions. He was getting sloppy, and then it suddenly dawned on Soojin, and her heart stammered in her chest, he didn't care about making it out of here unscathed. All of his planning, all of his killing had lead to this moment, in this school. This was where he was going to kill Taehyung.

This was the final chapter.

a big thank you to tin (tincan97 ) for helping come up with soojin's injury, bc tbh i was ready to full sangwoo on her ankles, ngl.

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