Charlie's question made Belial pause in her spot as the blind woman looks down. "Well, I can't really buy anything since I can't really appreciate the things I buy - you know materialistic things like clothes, jewelry, a book, and many more." She explains, "Might as well used it for others, they would appreciate those things more than me. So, you guys can use it for your project."  

It is really useless for her to keep materialistic things since she can't see it or use it to their full potential. She can't see the clothes she wore, the jewelry that caught people's eyes, or even read the words from  a book. Rather than materialistic things, she values interaction of others and the relationships she builds with them. Instead of looking at a person's physical features, Belial can learn a person through their words, actions, and their personalities. She is able to eat delicious food and hear music at a deeper level. It is a good thing she can punch a demon to the deepest level of Hell. 

Without her other senses or power...then...she would be..



Belial shakes her head to push those voices aside. "Well, I don't want to waste your money. It is yours." Charlie told her in a soft voice, "We can do something to buy furniture." Belial shakes her head, "Don't worry about Pup, think of it as a early birthday present from me." Charlie tries to reject her offer but finally gives in to Belial's stubbornness. "Okay, I'll use your money to only fix this place up and replace the furniture. That's it." Charlie declares, "Afterword, I will only use your money for emergency only!" Belial chuckles at Charlie's need of independence. 

"Got it, Pup." 

After the plan, Charlie talk about their own job in this hotel. Charlie is the spokesperson and founder of the hotel. Vaggie will be the manager of the establishment. Charlie wonders what her aunt's job will be then Belial simply grins. "I'll be the security and handle the fighting." Charlie let out a nervous chuckle, "You really like to fight, Aunt Bel." Belial let out a laugh, "Of course, come to think about it. You never see me in action." The princess nervously laughs. 

"Aunt Bel, if you want to be security then can you...not...."

"Kill anyone or cause a larger fight around or in the hotel." Vaggie jumps in the conversation, "Since it is a place of redemption, we need to try to avoid causing trouble. Can you do that?" Charlie silently gaps at her girlfriend. "Vaggie-" 

"Got it, kiddo. I won't do anything to make problems for my niece or this place." Belial declares. Vaggie's shoulder relaxes as Charlie let out a relieving smile. "But, I can't promise that I won't kill anyone who threatens you guys or this place." Belial's voice turns calm, "Nor I won't tolerate any attempts of killing towards you girls or the patrons in this hotel." Vaggie's lips form a thin line. She can see where Belial comes from since they are living in Hell where danger can come from any corner.

Charlie is hesitant but understands. She spoke up in a gentle voice, "...Can you give them one chance to change your mind if that happens?" Belial nods her head. "One chance, no more than that." The women accept her conditions. 


Belial decide to walk a short walk to stretch her legs. She can't stay inside for long. Telling Charlie and Vaggie of her walk, Charlie encourages Belial to do so. Vaggie tells her to be careful even Belial could protect herself but Belial appreciates it. Walking down the sidewalk path, Belial tuck her hands in her pants pocket minding her own business. She thought she will take a peaceful walk but something tells her instincts to be on guard. 

Stopping in place, Belial heard faint whispers close by. Slowly, Belial takes out her hands from her pocket - ready to fight anyone who tries to sneak up on her. Her eyes glow behind her sunglasses then turns her body to face who is behind her. She saw a faint red glow surrounding a fast moving figure. Her eyes snap to the floor where the figure moves. 

A shadow is following her. 

The sneaking shadow stops next to her feet. Belial takes a step back to avoid it's long claws. Before Belial could deal with the stalking shadow, it dash away from her with a wide grin on its face. 

The shadows finally found their target, now it is time to return to their master. 

"....Huh? What was that about?" Belial took a long time to relax her stance. Suddenly her body tense up when feeling a presence standing behind her. The sound of faint static caught her ears. "Hello, my dear! Good to see you well!" Belial moves back to create distance from Alastor. 

"Oh, it's you Alastor. Man, you get me all worked up for nothing." Belial mutters under her breath. She heard that same laugh track emit from Alastor. "Hahaha! Forgive my sudden arrival, my dear! I wouldn't have done that if you disappear into thin air!" Alastor chuckles. Belial let out a short oh. She did disappear on everyone to help Charlie and Vaggie with project. Alastor looks at Belial with that familiar grin, waiting for her reply. 

"I guess I did disappear on you guys." 

"No need to explain yourself, my dear! I understand!" 

"You do?" 

"Of course, you want to have your freedom from Lucifer's control. You want live out your heart's desire," Alastor announces with glee in his voice. Belial blinks at the demon's words then let out a sigh. "Alastor, that's-" She felt his right hand resting on top of her shoulder. "And my dear, I want to give the ultimate freedom." Static crackles in the air as he said these words. His eyes glow brightly as he takes in Belial's appearance. Alastor took three steps from her, releasing his grip on her shoulder. 

"My dear Belial, let us continue our lovely dance of violence and bloodshed! " He declares as he summons his microphone. The feeling of bloodlust from the radio demon runs down Belial's spine. The air around them is tense. 




"...Well, Shit..."  


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