I can see some children running out to the parents that were already outside waiting for their kids

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I can see some children running out to the parents that were already outside waiting for their kids. Obviously Storm won't be amongst them because she stays behind.

"A preschool?" I heard Hunter trail off as they followed me inside the school. I nod as we walk through the corridors.

"Yeah, my daughter goes here." I said moving my hair out of my face and stopping outside Storm's classroom. The door was wide open and the teacher was busy talking to some parent. I spot Storm who was sitting on her little table with three other children and they were busy coloring papers.

"Baby!" I say, still at the door and Storm looks up and her face immediately lights up as she pushes her chair back and runs to me with her giggles.

"Momma!" She says excitedly and I pick her up into my arms and she wraps here tiny arms around my neck. I can hear Hunter making an "aww" sound like it's the cutest thing ever.

"Somebody's happy." I said brushing her hair back as she pulls back looking at me.

"You're hwre. Are we going home?" She asked and I nod putting her down and motioning her to fetch her belongings. After a few seconds she waves at her friends and runs back taking my hand.

"Storm, this is Vincent and Hunter. They'll be looking after me and you." I said as we walked and she nods hugging both their feet. Vincent looked amused at how social she was.

"Win and Hunt." She said and I knew she couldn't pronounce their names and she made it shorter and easier for herself only making me laugh.

"Hi there, nice to meet you partner." Vincent says as we reach the car again.

"Hello. My name is Storm!" She said foolishly as I shake my head smiling. Wow, kids are just something else.

"Is this a new car momma?" She asked as she tried standing on my lap to look outside the window but I held her down.

"No, they car belongs to someone else. I just borrowed it to fetch you because momma's car wasn't at home." I said softly.

We finally reach home after a nonstop conversation with Storm. She was hyperactive as always and she really loved talking every second.

Hunter opens my door and we climb out onto my driveway again. Storm sees the men outside and she runs to them pulling onto the pants of their suits.

"Hello. My name is Storm! What's yours?"she asked trying to talk to them. I can hear Vincent and Hunter laughing at this.

"Storm, come here please. These men are busy working, don't disturb them with that cute little act." I said picking her up and she pouts folding her arms in a fit.

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