Chapter 49- Damien seems to have a fucking heart attack

Start from the beginning

He nods, " Of course ."

I surprise him by leaning over and kissing his cheek, making his entire face turn red.

I finally let out a laugh at this and he looks at his shoes, embarrassed.

"You're going to be late. Have fun today."

He looks up and smiles at me before rushing inside. As soon as he's safely in the school, I take a quick lap around the parking lot, making sure his dad isn't here.

Once I'm satisfied he is as safe as he can be alone, I drive quickly to the hospital. When I get there, the first thing I do is hit up the cafeteria.

I make the quick decision to get something for Mom. I'm sure she's still where she was last night.

Like Pierre said, she's doing what she thinks will help.

I mean, she would just be waiting anyway...

It's easy to make excuses for people you love.

I hit up the hospital cafeteria first. I grab some fruit, yogurt, and coffee then I head to the chapel. Thankfully, I got no calls or messages or anything, so that must mean no changes. Which is good. Because at least he isn't dead. Granted, he isn't improving, but he's not dead....

I take a deep breath before exiting the elevator.

I don't know if I can do this again.

I force my hands to quit trembling the best I can, and once I get to the chapel, I take a deep breath before going in.

"I got us some breakfast, and I brought coffee." I tell her.

She's still kneeling, beads in hand, her red hair down and messy, mascara still on her face, eyes clamped shut.

She hasn't even changed her position.

One of her eyes peaks open and up at me.

"From were?"

"Just the cafeteria. It's no Starbucks, but I figured it would be better than nothing."

She has an unhealthy addiction to her coffee, something we actually have in common.

She gets up and sits with me at a pew, taking the food and coffee from me.

"Any changes?" She asks.

"No, but I'm tired of waiting." I admit.

"It's all in God's timing." She says serenely, and I don't have the energy to argue with her. Not again.

Let's hope something changes today.

Something for the better.


The doctors come in almost every hour, telling us what we already know just in different words.

" No changes ."

I'm getting so frustrated. It's the fucking 21st century. Why the hell can't they do anything? We've evolved over using leeches for every ailment, you think they could figure this shit out.

I check my phone frequently, but there are no bad messages from Josiah. When I know he's at lunch, I text him.

Damien: Is everything going okay?

Josiah: Yeah. I think so.

Damien: I love you.

Josiah: Love you too.

Josiah: 💛💜💙💚❤💗💓💖💕💞💘

Then he kept spamming me with heart emojis until his lunch was over.

August 24th- Book One in the May 3rd seriesWhere stories live. Discover now