Chapter 42- uwuwu i miss damimen

Start from the beginning

"Probably not right away, but we will someday. Once we're out of school."

"That's cool. What do you think you'll major in once you go to college?"

"I dunno, maybe like business shit. Or maybe I'll be an astronaut."


"Stocks?" I suggest.

"Fuck no."

"Oh, okay. Fair enough." I shrug.

He was very adamant about that one.

"What if you didn't go to college and instead you join a travelling rock band? So we can go a lot of places."

"Also a firm fuck no. I won't ever play in front of people."

"You play in front of me. And you're really good and it makes me very happy. So why not?"

"I'm not good enough, first off, and secondly, you don't count. I could do anything with you."

"That doesn't make sense. Why would I be different than any other person? And you're very good."

"Have you ever heard like literally anyone else? My only goal with music is to be able to play every Taylor Swift song. It's not a viable career option. Plus, being in a band is cringey as hell. Not to mention the fact that it doesn't pay enough to keep us alive, I'm sure."

I look down at the shirt I'm wearing. The one I stole from him last night and he hasn't even said anything about.

"Bullshit. You should join..." I read the name carefully, "My Chemical Romance."

He sighs, "Way too late for that, bud. Rest in peace." He makes a kissing noise and puts a hand in the air.

I flinch a bit.

The fuck...?

I look up at his hand. "Okay...? Then join some other band. Just kill off their guitarist and take their spot."

"I do not want to be in a band, but if I did, that would be my plan of attack."

"Sounds good," I say, "Hey, how are you doing right now? Rough day?" I ask him.

He laughs. "As always. Why?"

"Oh. Nevermind." I shrug.

"No, what's up? I'm okay. Better than yesterday."

I sigh, "Am I ever going home...?"

"Do you not want to stay with me?" He asks, putting his pencil down and looking over at me.

"I want to. I just...also want to go home. And don't understand why I can't."

"They were hurting you, Josiah. Way worse than they were before. I have to know you're safe."

"No, first of all, nothing changed. We've been over this. Why did you suddenly decide that it's worse...? Did something cross the line into you're staying with me territory?"

"The...rule your dad broke. The day that I found you. That was way past the line. And any sort of physical abuse, like throwing stuff at you, or hitting you. That's past the line. Josiah, when I found you..." He cuts himself off with a shaky breath before continuing, "...You looked so scared."

"Damien... I was scared, but I'm always scared. Dad always has done stuff, and I'm used to it. I would be okay there."

"No. Because one day he would go too far and you would be dead. And that's my worst fear. You being dead. Even just saying it makes me start to panic... You mean so much to me, and I can't let anyone take you away."

August 24th- Book One in the May 3rd seriesWhere stories live. Discover now