Chapter 37--birfday

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"Well, trust me. They're there. And they're amazing. I hope you can pet one someday so you can tell."

He smiles a bit. "I trusted you, but now I have realized just how much you can lie to me about how things look."

"Yeah. If I could get away with it."

"You can. Please don't, though." He laughs.

"That would be mean. Um... Josiah, I only have one ear. It's genetic."

"Dumb-ass. I've touched your ears. There's two; I counted."

"You counted? That was a prosthetic ear."

"Felt like real fucking skin to me."

"How many ears have you felt, Josiah? Not enough to form a valid opinion of prosthetic ears. Plus, maybe it is real fucking skin."

"Four people's ears. Seems like enough to me."

"Nope. You can't be an ear expert until you've touched at least seventeen. Everyone knows that." I finish my food.

"What? Have you?"

"Oh. That and more, I'm sure. I don't exactly count."

"Right... I guess you have."

The mood shifts slightly.

Goddamn it.

Leave it to me to fuck up a conversation about prosthetic ears with the boy I love...

"Sorry," I apologize, "I don't have a fake ear. All natural, 100% real Damien."

"I know. All natural and perfect."

"Thanks. People tell me I should be an ear model all the time. They're like, Damien, you have perfect ears and you should model them."

"Why would people say that?"

"Because I have perfect ears, keep up."

"They're not actually perfect. You poked holes in them." He reaches out and starts playing with my ear.

"I was thinking about getting another piercing. Maybe lip ones. What do you think?"

"Oh, fuck no."

"What? Why not? I would look cool! And why would you care anyway?! You're blind!"

"I would care if they were on your lips, of course. And, besides, things like piercings and tattoos are just ridiculous."

"Um... I have three tattoos actually."

"I know. That's why I said it."

"How do you know? And if I can't get lip piercings, I'm getting eyebrow piercings. And a tattoo sleeve. Just to spite you."

"You've been shirtless around me, what, three times?"

"Four. I guess you can probably see that something's there. Just not what it is, right? How does that work?"

"I see details I look for. Same with the wrinkly dog."

"So," I giggle, "You were looking for details?"


"I-I...well...not..." He stammers, blushing deeply.

I laugh. "Right. You accidently looked for details. I got it. If I knew you could see if you tried, I wouldn't have to be perpetually worried you'll accidentally walk into traffic. Or a wall."

August 24th- Book One in the May 3rd seriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz