Chapter 1 call from the empire

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POV rwby

At the cafeteria

Ruby: hey yang what lesson we doing today

Yang: ruby we have Mr post after is Breakfast

Ruby Scroll buzz sounds ruby Took her scroll out her Pocket she look at her scroll

Weiss: who is it ruby

Ruby: is Ozpin he sends a message come to his office now

Blake: why Ozpin need us

Yang: we will found out Blake

team rwby left the cafeteria to go to Ozpin office them take the elevator to Ozpin office

Ozpin: Finally you here team rwby I have a mission for you

Ruby: what our mission is Ozpin

Ozpin: you are going to the empire

Ruby: empire

Ozpin: yes you are going to empire

Ruby: why

Ozpin: emperor himself want you and your team and your parents to come to Altdorf he wants help

Ruby: Walt are First mission is to go to the empire and my mom and my dad are coming with us to the empire we going empire yeah we are going empire

Yang: we going to empire I want to know what is y/n and his father doing

Blake: ruby yang how you know the Karl Franz and his son

Ruby: My parent's friend with him for a long time

Ozpin: team rwby get ready to go to the empire and your parents here there are at airship waiting for you good luck miss rose

Team rwby Left Ozpin office want down the Elevator to go outside to the airship ruby saw her dad

Tai: hi ruby how you bin

Ruby hug her father

Ruby: it good dad

Tai: I Glad to hear that ruby and you yang

Yang: same with me dad we are going to the empire right 

Tai: yes we are, your mother is here she in the airship

Ruby: mission with my team and my family going to the best mission

Tai: who is your teammates ruby yang

Ruby: oh this is Weiss and Blake

Weiss: nice meet you Mr xiao long

Blake: hi

Tai: nice to meet you

Ruby: dad where is mom

Tai: she at the airship ruby come on team rwby you have a mission to do

Ruby: I never been to the empire before

Tai: now today ruby you are going there

Tai and team rwby arrived at the place ruby point her mother at the airships waving her to ruby

Ruby: mom

Ruby run to her mom to Hug

Summer: wow claim down ruby

Ruby: I am so happy you are coming with us on this mission mom

Summer: no problem you have a good time with Beacon Academy ruby

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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