Halloween special!

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Yeah I know it's not halloween but I wanted to do something special for It.... and this chapter takes place 2 days before "Attack of the Gangsters"... This will have some more fan-service and a certain moment unlike the other chapters... Anyways enjoy!!

A very spooky opening

Yokai academy.. boys dorm.

Gohan was sitting on his bed figuring out a costume for the halloween party that was coming up tomorrow. Gohan had his hand under his chin was thinking.

Gohan: hm... What am I going to be?

After a few minutes, Gohan still thinking.

Gohan: man this is hard.... Oh I got it maybe I can be Ryu from street fighter... Or Dante from devil May Cry..

Suddenly there was a knock on Gohan's dorm. Gohan got up from his bed and walked over to his door, he then opened it revealing Kurumu. Kurumu gave the Saiyan-hybrid a hug.

Kurumu: hey my destined one!

Gohan: Hey Kurumu, what's up?

Kurumu: oh nothing just wondering how you were doing and if you got anything planned for the rest of the day?

Gohan: I'm doing okay, I was just thinking what was I gonna be for tomorrow. Also I don't have anything planned for the day, why?

Kurumu grinned mischievously.

Kurumu: oh I wanted to know if you wouldn't mind if you helped me out on some costumes.

Gohan: oh uh sure..

???: I'm coming too.

Kurumu jumped on Gohan's arm in surprise. They then see Mizore standing right in front of them.

Kurumu: Eek!

Gohan: huh? When where you there, I didn't even sense your ki.

Mizore: I have my ways... So I heard that you two are looking for some halloween costumes?

Gohan: yeah, me and Kurumu were going to go to a couple of stores to see if they had anything good.

Kurumu: yeah, you can join us if you want.

Mizore: Absolutely!

Gohan: Great! Hey Kurumu, what time are we going?

Kurumu took a second to think about it.

Kurumu: how about 5 p.m.?

Gohan: Sounds good, and we'll meet by the bus stop okay.

The two girls nodded. Kurumu then walks back to her dorm.

Gohan was about to close his door until Mizore stuck her foot in.

Gohan: hm? Mizore, What is it?

Mizore: Is.. it okay if I hang stay with you till we go?

Gohan: oh um sure...

Gohan opened the door to let the snow waifu in.

Gohan: so want to watch a scary movie to pass the time?

Mizore: sure, what movie are we going to watch.

Gohan walked over to his counter and grabbed three movies.

Future Gohan in Yokai Dimension(A Rosario+Vampire And Dragon Ball Z Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now