Curry Control!

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It was late at night, Mizore was in her dorm cooking for a certain Saiyan-hybrid.

Mizore: I hope Gohan will like this, I made it special for him.

Mizore was stirring the pan until she gets burned by the boiling hot water. She then screamed causing the whole building to shake.


Mizore then uses her ice abilities to freeze to food that she was cooking.

Mizore: oh man.... Not again..

She then walks out of the kitchen into her bedroom and drops on the floor.

Mizore: Damnit! How am I suppose to impress Gohan if I keep freezing the damn food!

She then dropped to the ground and looked at the calendar.

Mizore: the cooking practical..... No, I won't give up! I have to figure out a way to make a good dish..

The Next Day.... Gohan was helping out books away while Tsukune was helping Issei with cutting wood. Issei was about to cut Tsukune with the Saw, luckily Tsukune dodges the huge Saw.

Tsukune: H-Hey Watch where you move that thing Issei! You almost sawed me in half!

Issei(talking out loud): Oh I wonder what the girls are cooking... are they also wearing a bikini while their cooking?

Tsukune: he seems out of it.... Actually everyone in class seems out of it.... Even me...

Tsukune than thinks about Moka having just an apron on and pink panties. He then starts drooling.

Tsukune: he he, yeah..... Moka just like that...

With Gohan.....

Gohan: *yawn* hmm, I wonder how Trunks is doing back in my world.

Somewhere else..... There was a teen with long purple hair hanging out with a certain group of huntresses. This teen was named Trunks.

Trunks: hm I feel like someone is taking about me....nah must be imagining things.

Back with Gohan....

Gohan: I'm sure he's fine, no need to worry about him...right? Hey Tsukune!

The Saiyan-hybrid walked over to his friend. He then saw his friend with a blush on his face.

Gohan: Tsukune..?

Tsukune (talking out loud): Moka, you can't do that....I'm only 17~

Gohan: eh....

The teen called his name but no reply. He then snapped his fingers to get his attention but still nothing... The only thing he heard was another teen yelling "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good".. he then turned to Tsukune

Gohan: weird... I guess I have to hit him.

Gohan then punched Tsukune in the face, Tsukune then screamed out loud and covered his nose.

Future Gohan in Yokai Dimension(A Rosario+Vampire And Dragon Ball Z Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now