Chapte 12

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I wake up to a ping on my window. I rolled over shoving the pillow over my ears. The pinging continued. I rolled  over to see what time it was. It read midnight. I moaned. Ping. What the hell? It had been two days since I had been on my perfect date with Jim. Ping. Went another.

"Fine" I mumbled to myself.

I pulled myself up off my bed. I made my way over to the window. Another ping happened. I opened up the window when a stone came flying in the window. I jumped back. It had scared the living day lights out of me. Another one came though the window but instead it hit my eye.

"God damn it" I yelled as the stone hit my eye.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that hit you" I heard a whisper yell.

I looked down outside of the window. Jim stood there with a small pile of stones by his feet. I laughed quietly.

"It's fine. Now why in the hell are you here?" I whispered down at him.

"I missed you. It's been like two days" he complained

"I'll be down in a minute"

I Looked around my room. I grabbed a black t-shirt that rest near my bead and a pair of booty shorts that laid by my door. I slipped off my pjs replacing them with the clothes I had found. I grabbed my brush and gave my hair a quick brush as I tip toed down the stairs. My cousin was staying here in till his next tour over seas. I didn't feel like explaining why I was leaving at a time like this to him right now. I opened  up my front door and slowly closed it behind me.

"Boo!" Jim grabbed my sides

"Eee. Damn it Jim you scared me" I slapped his shoulder playfully.

"I know" he kissed me on my cheek.

"So where we going?" he grabbed my hand as we made our way to his truck.

"Secret" he whispered as he shut the truck door.


"Come on" he grabbed my hand.

We had just arrived at Dummans lake's parking lot. It was a little closer to one a clock in the morning but I seemed wide awake. He started to pick up his pace to a run.

"Slow down" I laughed as I almost tripped on a tree root.

"Here!" He finally stopped as our toes almost hit the water.

We had reached the lake.

"Come on let's hit the water" Jim stripped off his shirt showing of his almost 8 pack rock solid chest.

"What?!" I was shocked that he was even thinking about a midnight swim.

"You heard me" he smirked as he un did his belt and slid off his jeans.

"Come on!" he yelled he booked it to the lake in nothing but his boxers. I laughed at the sight. He seemed to be running away like a little child. I heard a big splash as he hit the water. My laughter grew.

"Come on strip down" he called. I could practically hear his smirk though his words.

"Fine" I mumbled as I grabbed the bottom of my shirt.

"Close your eyes" I order to him

"Oh come on"

"Turn around or I'm turning around to get back in the truck" I teased.

"Fine" I watched him place his hands on his eyes. I still didn't trust him fully so I turned my back so he couldn't see everything just yet. I slipped  off my shirt and plopped it on his. next I un buckled my Jean shorts and threw those over by his pants. I turned my head just enough so I could see him over my shoulder. I knew he was peeking between his fingers. I was starting to get cold.

"Ready or not" I mumbled as I booked it to the lake in nothing besides my bra and underwear.

My mama would be so ashamed. I thought as the cold water hit my bare skin.

"That's my girl" I heard as my head popped out of the water.

"Yeah yeah" I mumbled.

"I thought you wouldn't do it" he admitted

"Well here I am. Here I am in my undergarments" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes you are" one of his hands grabbed my hip as we tread water.

"Hmm" I rolled my eyes.

His lips connected with mine when I turned to look at him. His lips became rougher the longer our lips stayed together. I was  finding it harder to stay a float as his lips were stealing all of my oxygen. I broke off not being able to breath no more.

"I need air" I laughed out. We both started laughing soon.  I got out of the water slowly making my way back to my clothes. I found my shorts and slid them on.

"Already" he complained as he grabbed my shirt from the pile of clothes.

"Yes already it's probably around three in the morning. Give me my shirt" I tried to snatch it out of his hand.

"No" he moved it away just in time.

I pouted. My arms crossed in front of my chest as my bottom lip pouted.

"Oh don't do that babe" he said

"Jim give me my shirt" I moved so close to him so my body was pushed against the side of his.

"No" his voice shaked a little

"Jim" I cooded

He looked over at me with soft eyes. He leaned down so his lips touched mine. I deepened the kiss a little more. I could feel his body slowly relax. I smiled in between the kiss. I slowly reached my hand towards his that held my shirt. He dropped my shirt right into my hand so his hand could rest on my back. I quickly broke the kiss and slid the shirt on.

"You tricked me" he accused as he got his pants on.

"Maybe" I winked be for I raced off to his truck. I knew I had to get back home be for Brandon my cousin got up. I knew if my cousin was up be for I was home there would be a hell of a lot of questions to answer for.

A/N very important

Hey sorry y'all. I really haven't been updating like at all. For that I'm sorry. I've been working on my other books and I'm not to sure if I should continue with this story. Comment and send me your love if you want this story to continue. I need three votes to continue with this story. LOVE you all.

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