chapter 5

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"Let me start off by saying I'm so sorry if I ever hurt you" he was standing up by now.

He started making me nervous.

"We never knew each other in till now." I said

"That's another thing" he took in a deep breath. What ever he had to say was something he was going to hate saying.

"Eliza please believe me. I'm Jim. Remember Jim Cratter" He gave a shy smile.

"What no! Your dead! I got a letter saying you were killed in action" I raced in front of him.

Part of me wanted to kiss him out of happiness that he was alive. While the other part of me wanted to slap him and just walk the rest of my way home for the fact he just now decided to tell me. It had been 2 and 1/2 years.

"I was found with two sets of dog tags. One read Jake Smith. The other set was mine" he let out a deep breath.

"I was unconscious when they found my breathing body. When I woke up they had already sent the letters. The government asked me to just live in the shadows as another man. I did as they asked. So I became Newt. Then I decided to see if you had found anyone else to love since I was supposedly dead. When I saw you were still single. I had to revile who I was to John and asked him why you were still single" he walked over to me.

His hands grasped my arms. A shock went though my arms and sent it though my spine all the way to my toes. His touch still did things to me.

His dark blue eyes begged for forgiveness. To be honest the truth made sense but hurt even worst then his death.

"When John  told me the promise you made your self. About you would always love me. I felt terrible. I felt terrible that I hadn't come to you sooner" his arms wrapped me in a hug.

Oh it felt so good to be in his arms again. Tears of joy rolled off my cheeks as I wrapped my arms around his solid body. His lips touched my forehead several times.

"I'm so sorry" His eyes showed so much hurt.

I reached up and cupped his head in my hands.

"Hey, look at me" his eyes met mine asking me to stop.

"I never stopped loving you. For that I will always take you back." a smile appeared on his mouth as I said those words.

He leaned on down closer to my face. His soft warm lips touched mine. As the kiss carried on the hard he kissed. It felt good to be back in his arms. And it felt better to have his lips on mine just like in the past.

So did you see this coming? Did you suspect this turn? Yeah sure you did.

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