Chapter 23

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I tapped my pencil on my desk in my room. I starred down at the bills. Normally Brandon would do the bills but him and Christiana were out trying wedding cake flavors. Un like Christiana I was the one running around like a chicken with out it's head. In three week and two days Brandon and Christiana will be married happily or not. And me being the helpful person I am I voluntered to help with all the wedding stuff. From the location to theme to yes even the wedding dress Christiana will be wearing. Everything made me nervous while Christiana was as calm as a cucumber. I sighed as I looked over at the clock. 11:30 am it read. In ten minutes I have to be ready for  Christina who is gonna pick me up to go to the wedding dress shop. I looked back down at the bills. So much math!!!! I wanted to rip out all my hair when my phone started to buzz. I groaned thinking it was the bride. But to my surprise it was Jim.

Jim: look out your window

I jumped out of my seat racing over to my window. I slid my window open looking down in my backyard to see Jim on a four wheeler smiling like the goof he is.

"That one Prince with long hair let down your hair" he sang up to me. I started to laugh.

"I shall not" I crossed my arms leaning up against my wall.

"Well then" he tried to act offended but he kinda failed when a smile broke across his face.

"Whatcha need?" I asked.

"Can't I just go have  lunch with my girlfriend?" he asked me  back. I shook my head.

"Not today I have to go wedding dress shopping" I smiled down at him as he nodded his head.

"I don't remember ever asking you to marry me though. Was I drunk?" he asked. I started  to laugh again.

"No someone else did" I smirked down at him.

"Lier" he accused. I nodded my head.

"No it's for Christiana" I admitted.

"Right cause Brandon is getting hitched with Christina" he crained his neck up to see me leaning out my window.


"Well uh Eliza when you gonna ask me to be your date to the wedding?" Jim asked. I smirked down at him thinking of so many ways I could pull this conversation.

"I don't know. I might not ask you. Johnny is a better dancer. And Shep well he just makes a party a party" I tapped my chin as I walked farther into my room where Jim couldn't see me.

"Eliza!" I heard him yell. I giggled quietly to myself.

"Eliza" I heard him trying to encourage me back into the light.

"What?" I finally gave in walking back to the window.

"I'll learn to dance" he offered. I chuckled at the idea of Jim taking dance lessons.

"I can learn" he assured me. I nodded my head.

"You do that" I looked over at my clock. 11:35. I quietly gasped knowing Christina would be home soon.

"Got to go" I quickly shut the window when my phone buzzed again.

Jim: Lobe you sugar

I laughed at the fact he miss spelled love, or spell check screwed up the word like always.

Me: you mean love?

Jim: no I lobe you :)

Me: lobe you too

I put my phone away in my pocket as I heard a truck pull into my driveway. I hurried up changing out of my sweat pants into a pair of booty shorts tucking in my white tang top and buckling my redneck woman leather belt around my waist.

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