Chapter 17

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"Seriously! You had to bring Shep and Johnny. You just have to wreak everything didn't you" I smacked my fists into a meat patty. I looked over at Brandon. His head hung low as he flipped a burger on the grill. That only fired me up more.

"You know what Brandon?! I love him. I love Jim mater if you like it or not. So deal with it or go move out!" I yelled. I slammed the plate with meat on the counter. My eyes boiled into his scalp

"At lest try. We are everything we got left out of our family. So guess what? I'm not complaining when you ask Christina to marry you. So leave me alone when I love someone" I hissed just before I left.

I made my way over to the fire were Johnny, Shep and Jim were laughing. A smile crossed my face as I realized they were talking about. Which was my first date with a boy name Jeremy. The funny thing is I grew up with all these boys and each one of them knew my dating past.

"No dude you weren't there. This guy what his name... Jeremy. His name is Jeremy. Anyways he came to pick her up and me, Brandon, Shep, and her dad at the time all walked our with her. All four of us carrying guns"

"You forced me to walk out with a gun in my hands" I interrupted Johnny.

"Well anyways you should have  saw this guy's eyes. They were so huge. He jumped  in his truck and drove off like the devil himself was after him. He never talked to her again" Johnny and Shep just broke out laughing. I rolled my eyes as that memory played in my mind.

"Oh you poor baby" Jim wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him as I took a swig out of his long neck bottled beer.

"She looked good to. A short little blue dress that hung on all her curves" Shep winked at me. I pretended to throw up.

"Well it's a good thing you boys chased him off. Course wasn't I after Jeremy?" Jim looked down at me as he asked me that question. My cheeks heated up.

"Yeah" I looked down to the ground as all the boys started to laugh at my reaction.

"Foods done" Brandon called  from the back porch.

"Coming! Let's go guys foods done" Johnny patted my shoulder as he walked  pasted me.

"I missed these guys" Jim whispered in my ear. I nodded my head.

"Same  here. I've missed all the fun we shared" memories of the past started to play in my mind.

Even the funerals of my family plate  in my mind. The boys ha  made them fun. Like at my mom's when I was a complete mess the boys took me horse back riding and swimming right after we buried her. For the rest of the day I didn't remember what happened at the funeral. I just remember Jim holding me when Brandon wasn't around. And at Jim's so called funeral Johnny and Brandon took me clubbing. Which really helped  intill the morning were I had a huge hangover.


"Oh Eliza" I had got all the boys troubled over laughing at me. I let out a soft chuckle a  I raised my beer bottle to my lips.

"You never said what branch of the military you were in Jim" Brandon broke through the laughter.

We all stopped. I look e  over at Jim. His body becoming more tense bet it  He took the biggest swig of beer I've ever seen him take. Jim normally doesn't drink at all. But I guess tonight would be different.

"Army" Jim looked down at his bottle.

"Sam  with all of us" Brandon motioned around the fire.

"Well except for Eliza girl over there" Shep pointed  to me.

"Yeah well I'm glad she doesn't have  to go over seas" Jim grabbed my hand with his. I smiled shyly at him.

"Yeah you and me both Jim" Brandon took a little sip of his  beer as his eyes locked on mine.

I knew Brandon and the boys had seen stuff I would never truely understand. All I could do was be there when they needed some one to Lisen an  hold them. Other then that I would never be able to understand the pain they had saw and felt. We all sat there in silence as we all thought about random stuff in our minds.

"You know what let's drink another beer to the men we lost in the war" Shep pasted around another six pack around.  Each boy chugging down what ever they had left in their beers be for  they picked up another beer out of the pack.

"You boys take it easy on the beer" I grabbed the six pack setting it behind my chair.

"Don't tell announce of military men to take  it easy on the bottle" Brandon growled.

I suddenly felt out of place. I knew all them were on the thin line of being drunk. Whatever I thought before I got up off my chair.

"Knock your selves out" I place  the rest of the six pack down by the fire.

No one paid attention to me leaving except for Jim. His eyes asking if everything was ok. I shook my head no and left at that. As I stepped into the kitchen I started to think. Thinking was a bad thing for me. I always seconded guess myself ever since I lost my grandma. My heart raced a  I wounded if I lost my cleanliness for nothing. I knew where I stood but I didn't really know were Jim stood. And that scared me.

Two update  in a day. I'm pretty amazing not to brag. Jk. Ok well I hope that can hold you guys off for a while. Enjoy! :) And sorry for all the miss spelling I just didn't proof read it all so...

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