Chapter 28

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Eliza's point of view

I feel asleep in one of the hospital chairs. I moved my weight again in the chair. God these things suck.

"Your up" Jim smiled. I smiled back.

"So are you" I moved from the chair to sitting on Jim's bed.

"I'm glad you stayed" He whispered as his left hand played with my hand.

"Well you kinda told me to leave so you can thank my stubbornness" I smiled down into his deep blue eyes that started to get their spark back.  He frowned.

"I didn't mean it"

"You sure sounded like it" I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I lobe you" he whispered. His hand started to tug on mine in till I was laying down at his side. Nestling my head in to his chest I started to feel peace fill my heart up. His fingers entwined in my hair as he played with it. His breathing calmed down the more I snuggled into him.

"Lobe you too" I answered before sleep took over my body again.










"Wake up Eliza" I heard someone whisper as a hand nudged my waist. I opened up one of eyes to see a smiling Jim in my vision. I smiled back at him.

"I was gonna shake you but I don't have both of my arms" he said sadly.

"Yet" I said pleased

"What you mean?" his eyebrows scrunched up together.

"Your gonna try prosthetics right?" I sat up now starring down at him.

"I don't know Eliza, that's like a whole new world" he starred down at the bed sheets reminding me of a little child who couldn't make up his mind.

"Hey look at me" I said picking up his chin.

"What your in right now is a whole new world. I'll be here every step of the way. Rather you want the prosthetics or not" I shrugged while smiled back at him.

"I know" he added. Stretching out my arms I stood up next to his bed.

"Hey I'm gonna run to the restroom be right back soon" I said as I excited the current.

Pulling out my phone as I walked down the hallway I had noticed I had a lot of missed texts and calls from random ass people. They were all from high school but I didn't know why they we're texting me now. I mean we never talked to me in the hallways so why in the hell are you texting me now? I deleted all the messages before I opened them up. I had a feeling in my gut any message I would read would only piss me off. I turned left down another hallway were I found my destination...the bathroom.

As soon as I was down doing my business I made my way back to Jim's bed. When I got there though Christiana and Brandon were sitting out side of his room.

"What's up?" I said as I realized Brandon seemed nervous as hell.

"The docs in with Jim right now" Brandon started  to play with his hands as he didn't meet my eyes.

"So? That's a good thing" I answered flatly as I sat down next to him. He finally looked  me in the eyes.

"I know it's just..." He trailed off looking back down at the floor. I looked around the hospital knowing exactly why Brandon had trailed off.

Cory was sent to this exact same hospital. We sat on a bench just like we are now when the doc came out of Cory's room pronouncing that he didn't make it through surgery. I shoved my ear buds in my ears cranking up the volume trying to drowned out any old memories. An American soldier by Toby Keith started to play. Out of habit I started to sing along loud enough that a few people stopped and looked at me as I closed my eyes picturing all my missed soldier family members. God I miss them all so much.

I know I know this chapter sucks. I'm really kind of a shame to post this but here you go. :) any ways I really do love that song American soldier by Toby Keith. It's really good and I encourage all of you to listen to it. :) Thanks for reading this.

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