Chapter 8- Missing the point.

Start from the beginning

Emmanuel suddenly looks from himself to Leny then Lester .

" Wait, did I get into the wrong class because I was running away from such sulky teachers and now it seems I am in one of those classes... Literature!" He quivers in a loud whisper but everyone in the class heard him.

Lester shrugs and Sir Charles ignores them.

" You over there, leave to his seat and you join her. Learn to understand each other cause if you don't, this class will be ablaze by midterm."

Cameron who sat next to Ciarra swapped with Kobby. Kobby came only with a book and pen and winked at her before sitting right next to her. She decided to give him the silent treatment and avoided him like the plague until Sir Charles left the class.

The depressing silence continued till the next lesson, Chemistry.

This time it was a female who walked into the class looking as vibrant as a glistening star in her pastel blue flur dress and black wedged sandals. Her hair was neatly clipped to the side with cute imitation diamond hair clips.

All the guys became suddenly alert, checking their young chemistry teacher out. She seemed less authoritative compared to the preceding teachers who had walked in.

She inscribed her name on the board in bold caps- Bella Otoo. The Manhattan girls already knew her. She greeted the class in a slightly shy tone. She could easily pass for their age mate, all she needed was a uniform.

" My name is Bella Otoo, but most of my students call me Ms Bella so you can maintain it. I teach Chemistry, I'd love it if you'd ease the atmosphere a bit cause chemistry gets cumbersome when the class is silent." She says with a warm smile that touched everyone.

" Hello Ms Bella" The entire class, majority being the boys greeted.

She nods and picks the duster to wipe the board.

"Oh no, no, no" Christian Dzah, one of the boys on the front row rashes to take the duster from her and the boys begin to snicker " You look exceptionally ravishing for such a peasant job."

She gives him a grateful smile and walks to her seat but Jerome beats her to it and pulls out her seat for her to her surprise.

" That's so nice of you, thank you.Do you do this for every teacher?" Jerome pauses with guilt and continues

" You're most truly welcome and not really...but then to establish a better rapport, how about getting to know you better?" He leans on her desk and asks and Ciarra turns to look at Kobby to see if he'd also want to flirt with her too.

" That's so nice of you young man, what's your name?" She asks in the opposite tone.

" Attah Jerome, madam." Her tone just snapped him out of it.

" Oh Ms Bella, I wiped the board for you and you didn't even ask for my name." Christian whines.

"I'm so sorry, please may I know yours?"

" Christian Dzah, on the front row." He introduces with a warm smile. Kobby looks on with interest.

Ms Bella looked small but she definitely carried herself with so much dignity and canniness. She knew what they were doing.

" Ms Bella, can I ask a question?" Lejandro's hand shoots up as he asks. She gave him a nod of approval.

" Which schools did you attend?" He asks and some people groan and begin to murmur at the thought of him asking such a personal question.

" It's okay class. It's good to get to know your teachers just to clarify that what they're teaching you isn't garbage." She dismisses and turns to him, " I had my high school education at Lily Girls' in the Central Region and I later enrolled in the University of Accra before attending Teacher's Training. "

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