Dont be a dick Nick

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It was a few days after the night trip. Judy pressed her hands to her ears and groaned at me fidgeting. The floorboards creaked as I moved around. She was always so moody in a morning.

She sighed irritably as my foot inched towards the chest of drawers with a loud screech on the boards.

"Could you be any louder?" She fumed from the bed muffled.

I smirked slightly and slammed the drawers, causing them to rattle and her to curse under her breath. I turned to face her innocently.

"What?" I shrugged. "You asked if I could be any louder. The simple answer is yes."

Her face was a mixture of regret and angst. Like cogs were whirring in her mind as to why she fell in love with me in the first place.

"I meant-." She registered my smug expression and shook her head. "Never mind. It's too early." She mumbled resigned to her fate.

Slinging a shirt over my shoulder, I walked over and gave her a peck. She clung on to my chest in an attempt to pull me back to bed.

"Can't you stay." She pleaded in that wounded puppy thing of hers.

As tempting as it was, I was meeting her dad. Not to work surprisingly. But actually to work out the logistics of the proposal. We knew it was going to happen this week. I wanted it to be when her family were with us. Make it more romantic. Planning was essential though and unfortunately it had meant multiple early morning hashing out details and leaving Judy to sleep. She wasn't having it this morning though.

"Afraid not carrots." I replied in the midst of ruffling her hair. She protested and I rolled my eyes silently retorting with a "you're in bed anyway what does it matter about your hair?"

Her lower lip pouted and I smiled bemusedly. She did love to sulk sometimes. She let go of me begrudgingly and I took a step away from the bed, looking her up and down.

"Don't miss me too much"

She tutted. "In your dreams Wilde."

I smiled widely, taking steps towards her and cupped her chin, forcing her to meet my intense stare. "You are in my dreams. Some innocent and some..well. I'll leave it to your imagination." I finished. Her mouth agape and I chuckled.

"Close your mouth and give me a kiss. You'll attract flies."

She sighed again and tugged at my shirt, pulling me towards her and smashed her lips against my own. She ran a hand down the silk of my shirt, gnawing at my lips and her tongue slid in my mouth. A low growl emanated from the back of my throat before she pulled away looking pleased with herself.

"If only you could stay and well...I'll leave it to your imagination." She smirked and I knew I had been beaten at my own game.

I scratched the back of my neck. "Touché carrots. Touché. Well played."

She smiled back and blinked sweetly. It was amazing how she could go from that to looking innocent. "Thank you Nicky. Okay well get to work." She instructed. She pulled the duvet up to her chest and wriggled to get comfortable.

My face fell. I would have loved to stay in bed. "Alas. I do. I have to meet your dad."

She raised an eyebrow. "Who would have thought a few days ago you'd be spending so much time with my dad." She mused. "It's almost like you're up to something."

My tongue darted across my upper lip. "No idea what you're talking about. You've been watching too many sitcoms." I replied, refusing to crack.

She shrugged. "Maybe. I'm glad you two are getting on so well anyway. Whatever the reason."

I grinned and flexed my arm. "It's the good ol Nick Wilde charm at work sweetheart."

She rolled her eyes and shifted to lay away from me. "I've heard enough." She muttered. "Leave me to sleep. Haven't you got someone else to annoy?"

I smirked. "Plenty but you happen to be my favourite." She groaned at that and closed her eyes.

"Go. To. Work."

I pecked her forehead. "I love you." I whispered and she murmured an "mhm" back sleepily.


I exited the bedroom, closing the door behind me quietly. Stu emerged from me the hallway, startling me. He held his hands up as I mopped my brow, exhaling.

"Didn't mean to scare you Nick." He chuckled and I smiled faintly.

"No harm done."

He slapped the back of my shoulder hard and I held back my wince. He was trying after all to be father in law material. For that, I had a new found appreciation.

"Good to hear" he replied and leant against the edge of the table. He looked at me expectantly. "So what's the plan so far?"

I paused. "Not got much so far but I know I want to do it in the barn. Just need to figure out the logistics."

He looked at me waiting for me to expand and enlighten him on the details

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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