No,I have never violated your daugher

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I leave Judy asleep while I tiptoe into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. Exhaling the breath I had been holding in, I look at my reflection sternly in the mirror. The morning dawn light streams in through her window as birds chirped in the background almost distracting me for a second and pushing me into a false oasis of calm.

"Deep breaths Nick. You can do this. Do not fuck this up." I mumble slapping my cheeks in a vain effort to snap myself into reality. My reflection gazed back at me unbothered and in a lapse state.

"What?" I ask mirror who blinks back and says nothing. "Of course you're not going to reply. You. Are. Me. I'm a dumb ass." I sigh and tug at my fur pacing the small room.

I hear the door open with a creak and jump back; surprised to see my girlfriend emerge in silk short pyjamas. She rubs her eyes blearily. "Are you okay? I heard you and then you were gone. It's early."

I scratch my head guiltily, feeling bad that I woke her up. She wasn't supposed to see me acting like a head case at 6am.

"Yeah I'm fine just needed to uh well you know." I motion to the toilet in the hope she will believe my profuse lie. She blinks still quite clearly not awake and folds her arms.

"Why are you stood up if you need to go?"

I chew on my lip and cross my hands behind my back, fidgeting. "Gotta get things going and moving."

I can tell she doesn't believe me but she is obviously too tired to question further as she sighs. "Whatever hopefully you'll tell me the truth at some point. I'm going back to bed. You should too." She mutters exciting the room and shutting the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I bow my head before placing both paws on the sink slapping the ceramic with a thud. "What is actually wrong with me?" I fume not wanting to feel like this. Sweaty palms, elevated heart and shaky as I shuffle the ring box inside my pocket. Opening the cabinet slowly as to make minimal noise, I transfer the box to the top shelf out of her reach and shut it again. I didn't want her father to see the ring yet or anyone else for that matter. I lower myself onto the cold surface of the toilet seat, feeling the chill of the tiles against my feet where the sun hadn't reached yet. I didn't want to worry Judy and I didn't want to push her away but she no idea how inadequate I had been to made to feel all my life. I never felt good enough for and I was worried this weekend would expose me for the shell of the man I was. Her hopeful future husband, holding onto the last hope of having a family and starting afresh only to be hit by the reality and obstacles of approval that being in an interspecies relationship presented.

But I had to stay strong for her. I wouldn't let her see me like this. Which is why I put on a brave face , went back into the room and held her, wondering if this would be my last time.


I hadn't realised I had fallen back asleep until Judy was leaning forward at an awkward angle, boobs in my face literally. I smirked. Nice wake up call. Her mouth was moving in a panicked motion; so much that I felt like I should probably listen. I had such a one track mind. I need to exit my thoughts before she realises I haven't been listening.

She waved her hands in front of her face and pointed at me. "Are you listening Nick!?"

Too late. I chuckle knowing I've been found out and stretch upwards yawning. "Sorry carrots. I kind of zoned out. Could you repeat that?"

She groans loudly agitated with me. Pointing at the clock, she is noticeably pissed. My eyes cast over to see the large hand pointing towards nine o'clock.

"Ah shit." I mumble stepping out of bed. She folds her arms across her chest.

"He's going to be here in five minutes." She replies pointedly. "Knocking on that door. You do want to make a good impression right?"

Nick X Judy : Late nights Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum