Pull me closer

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Hours passed by into the night as we tirelessly slaved away to finish the paperwork. The clock chimed midnight abruptly causing us both to pause in a halt and exchange glances.

"It's pretty late" she said slowly tucking a long grey strand behind her ear.

That was kinda cute. That's it I have no idea what I'm saying. Evidence for why I should be sleeping. I'm clearly too tired and my mind is wandering.

"I know and I'm no where near finished that's the sad thing" I sighed scratching the back of my head "looks like we will be working for a long time to get this done"

She nodded "looks like it" she paused "hey Wildes?"

Uh oh.

I craned my neck back "mm yeah?"

"Can you come help me with this?"

God damnit getting closer was only going to make this more difficult. I went to say no until I was stopped

She looked at me pleadingly cupping her hands together. She knew I couldn't resist this look as it worked every time.

Damnit. I had no choice now.

I grunted before pulling my chair over to Judys desk with a loud scraping sound.

She held her ears wincing "would it have killed you to be quieter"

I smirked wolfishly leaning forward onto the desk "yep" I stated enunciating the "p"

If I kept doing stuff like this it would make it more friendly.

Rolling her eyes, she placed her hand on the mouse to access the file with a few clicks as I observed quietly.

"Right so it says here that I need your signature and time of date to confirm" she muttered scrolling down the page " you'll need to give evidence to testify for our side I've already completed mine obviously being organized" she rambled while I nodded.

Hmm she had quite a nice set of hips. I couldn't help but notice as she leant forward. No. Damnit stop it Nick. Concentrate. What did she say?

"We know that they were planning to use explosives on the train because we found them in the underground sewers that day" she continued scrolling down the page, filling in the blanks to each sheet.

She was pretty ordering me around. I have no idea what she is saying though.

"Mhm" I responded shrugging as I fought to keep my eyes open.

Damn I was tired.

Judy continued droning on I was quickly losing my attention span, letting my eyelids slowly close.

Judys pov

"So you got that?" She turned to face him only to find he was now fast asleep and to top it off snoring.

Wow he wasn't even listening. How about that?

I crawled onto his lap.

"Nick" I hissed prodding his forehead. He didn't stir causing me to lightly shake him.

Well he was out pretty hard. Late nights were obviously taking a toll. Should I wake him? I suppose I better.

Reflexively, he swatted me away mumbling something inaudible I couldn't quite make out.

"Nick" I hissed louder shaking him more thoroughly. He jolted abruptly awake opening his eyes slowly to see me leaning over him.

"Ngh?" He groaned before his vision fully cleared

Nicks Pov

What the hell? Did I fall asleep?

I opened my eyes fully and was shocked at what I saw.

Judy was leaning against me very nearly sat on my lap.

Woahhh nice wake up call. I thought with a grin. She must have seen my smirk as her face registered alarm before she bolted up brushing herself down.

What a Shame.

She glanced at me again before muttering her apologies.

No need to at all.

I flushed instinctively putting my hands to my cheeks to check if they had got any hotter. They had.

"You were asleep" she said gently

"I swear I was listening"

"Sure you was" she laughed rolling her eyes

"Okay maybe I wasn't"

"No kidding"

"But" I leaned up resting my elbow on the desk "I will now carrots"

Oh I would certainly pay attention but perhaps for a different reason

She slapped a bunch of paperwork on my desk before walking off slowly and retreating back to her chair.

"Don't talk shit and just fill this in"

I laughed at the sudden language.
"Wash your mouth out with soap carrots"

She raised a finger in retaliation, causing me to whistle appreciatively.

"Feisty señorita"I clapped my hands together earning another eye roll from the bunny who just sighed like she had given up all hope.

I couldn't blamed her at this point so had I

Nick X Judy : Late nights Where stories live. Discover now