Return of the 'devil'

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•Chloe POV•
I felt the sun shine on my face as I woke up. I groaned. I sat up and saw Rebekah laying next to me. "Boo." She grinned. "Jesus, Rebekah. Give me a heart attack, why don't you." I said as I placed my hand over my heart. She giggled. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom as Rebekah followed. "Guess what." She said. I turned around. "What?" I asked. I
vamp speed to my wardrobe to find an outfit. "Kol and Klaus are coming home today." Rebekah said, looking at her nails. "Yay, the devils are coming." I chuckled. She flopped back onto  my bed. "Tell me about it." She said.

I got into the shower while Rebekah went downstairs to visit with my brothers. I got out and wrapped a towel around me. I got changed and then did my hair. I slid on my shoes and vamp speed downstairs.

"Hello Damon." I smiled. "Hello little sister." He smiled back. I was closer with Damon then I am Stefan, my brothers.

I jumped onto  the couch next to Rebekah. "Hola, my Rebekah." I smiled. "We talked 15 minutes ago." She smiled. I rolled my eyes. I laid my head on her lap and made funny faces at her. She made them back. Soon, the door slammed open.

"Rebekah!" Klaus smiled. An unfamiliar face was behind him. I had never met Kol. But Rebekah would always tell me stories on how he would just kill and kill and kill. We made eye contact and he grinned. "Chloe, nice to you again." Klaus smiled. I smiled back and hugged him. Me and klaus were super close to. His nickname was 'the devil' because he would kill anyone instantly if they hurt anyone he loved or cared about. Kol stood there and eyed me. I was taken back as he gave me strange looks, but in the end, he just smirked at me.

Him and Klaus sat down on the couch in front of me and Rebekah. "Why are you here, nik? I was gonna see you two at home." She crossed her arms. Damon just stood there, silent. "Well I did miss you, dear sister. And I wanted to see you." He smiled. His grin always gave me butterfly's. It was so sexy.

Kol still had the same look on his face. I rolled my eyes. "So, why aren't you leaving?" I asked klaus. "Well I can't visit my dear old friends?" He asked. "Oh and I also forgot to mention," Klaus stood up. Stefan walked into the room. "Oh, wasn't expecting house guests. Kol, klaus. Hi."

How the hell does he know kol and I don't.

"The founders ball is tomorrow night and I think you all should join us Mikaelsons." Klaus grinned. I looked at Rebekah. "You never tell me anything." I glared. We traded glares until we just laughed.

"So, what time is this dreaded dance?"

The next night

I put on my dress after doing my hair and makeup. "Why is yours so much prettier?" Rebekah whined. I looked at my best friend. "Yours is much more prettier." I smiled. She looked at me. I fixed her hair as she looked at herself. "I can't believe it's been 20 years." I said as I looked at her. She grabbed my hand. "20 years of the best friendship I've ever had." Rebekah smiled back. "Ladies, are you- woah." Stefans eyes landed on Rebekah. I glared.

"My lady." I said to him. He rolled his eyes. "You both look great. Now let's go." His eyes still on Rebekah. I grabbed her hand and my bag and we made our way downstairs.

We then made our way to the car.

At the ball

We walked in and the lights shined so pretty and bright

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We walked in and the lights shined so pretty and bright. Klaus and Kol made there way up to us. "Why dear sister, you look rather pleasant." Klaus smiled. Kol looked at just me. "I'm gonna go find Elena." Damon said. We nodded and he walked off. Klaus walked away to find Caroline while Rebekah was taken by Stefans hand.

Which left me and kol.

"We've never really met. I'm kol." Kol smiled and kissed my hand. I instantly blushed. "I'm Chloe." "Well, Chloe, would you like to dance?" He asked. "Sure." I replied.

We made it to the dance floor. He grabbed one of my hands and then placed his other around my waist. I put my hand on his shoulder. "So, miss Chloe, what do you like to do in this old town?" He asked as we slowly danced. "Me and Rebekah usually go to the grill or just shop." I said. He nodded. "What about you?" I asked. "I enjoy annoying my siblings." He smirked. "I guess we have that in common." I replied. He had a very interesting look. Like half was your so beautiful and the other was a grin. "Have you ever had someone you loved so much you couldn't bare the thought of loosing them?" He asked out of the ordinary. That's a weird question. "Yeah.... in 1937. He was very kind. And loved bringing me flowers. But one day...." I stopped as I felt tears form in my eyes. I blinked fast and they went away, but one seamed to slip. Kol paused our dancing and wiped the tear off my cheek. "Sorry for asking...." he mumbled. "It's ok. We are getting to know each other. Right?" I chuckled. He smiled again.

We continued dancing, asking each other a bunch of questions. Like, our favorite type of blood or our favorite thing to bother our siblings.

Later that night

The ball was just at its end. People were staring to leave the packed Lockwood house.

Me and Rebekah were having champagne at the bar when Damon came over to us. "Come sissy, you know how crazy you get in the head when drinking that." He tightened his teeth. "Oh come on, I've only had 5!" I laughed. "Yeah yeah, and I didn't have much either." Rebekah sounded worse then me. "Wait here, come Rebekah." Damon grabbed Rebekahs hand and left me. I compelled the bartender to fill my glass up again. He poured me more champagne and I chugged it.

"Woah there, slow down." Klaus chuckled. "Im fine." I cheered. I felt kol behind me. I ignored it and grabbed the bottle. I started drinking from it. "Hold on, where is Rebekah?" Klaus asked. "Probably hooking up with someone." I said in a haze, which was also not true. Klaus started walking off in search of her. All of a sudden, I lost my balance and fell into kol's arms. "Careful there, love." He said as he helped me catch my balance. I put my head on his chest. "I'm tired." I groaned. "Come on, love." He helped me walk to Damon's car. He put me in as Damon was helping Rebekah and Stefan was M.I.A.

Kol closed the door and then I closed my eyes.

And that was the day I met the one and only, Kol Mikaelson.

So, I'm hoping this book comes out as I plan it to. I'm so excited to continue. I hope you enjoyed. Remember comment, like, and follow!! Thanks for reading and will update soon❤️

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