Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna

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But her mother did not hear the subtle mockery ... or pretended not to hear. She gestured gracefully to her companion:

- We have been living in Paris for seven years. Today we returned from Berlin. We visited Friedrich's relatives, - she looked tenderly at her husband and asked her daughter: - Do you remember Friedrich?

Defne remembered. She saw him only once, at the airport, where she rushed to get her mother. Went to stop her. To persuade not to leave. After all, they all need her so much! He then stood with a bored smile and looked through her. As it is now. She nodded reservedly to him and turned her gaze to her mother. Defne looked at her, so dazzlingly beautiful, contented with life, and saw her grandmother crying over her empty wallet, the beaten Serdar, Esra, who complains that her shoes are tight. And there is no money to buy new ones. She saw herself mourning dreams of a university, agreeing to a deal with Mrs. Neriman, lying to Omer, and desperately trying to get out of debt. Anger boiled in her soul. Defne clenched her teeth to suppress it.

- Darling! I lost sight of you ..., - Omer suddenly appeared, took her arm, and kissed her on the cheek. And only then he noticed Defne's company. He looked first at a beautiful woman, then at a respectable man, then at his wife frozen in a pillar of salt, and internally shivered. The silence was broken by the woman. She smiled sweetly at Omer and asked Defne:

- Is this young man your husband? - Without waiting for an answer, she held out to Omer a graceful, snow-white hand with a huge diamond on her ring finger and introduced herself: - I am Aysun, Defne's mother. And this is my husband, Friedrich.

- Omer Iplikci.

He briefly shook the outstretched hand, nodded to the man, and looked anxiously at Defne. She stood with her shoulders back and her head proudly raised. Calm and unperturbed. And only the eyes were burning with fire. He recognized that look. How often did he see this in the mirror? But Defne cannot look like that!

- How is Serdar, Esra? - Meanwhile, the woman asked and Defne shuddered. Looking coldly into her eyes, she answered:

- Your children live in the same city, area, the house where you left them twelve years ago. They didn't move, didn't change the address and phone, "Defne's voice trembled. - There is no need to be hypocritical and ask how they are. When a person is worried and wants to know how his family is, whether they are okay, whether they are alive or well, he calls, writes, and comes.

- Defne, do you reproach me? - The woman's face stretched out resentfully, and she piteously twisted her impeccably painted lips.

"No, Mrs. Aysun," Defne answered ironically. - Do I have the right? And it makes no sense. You still won't understand anything!

Omer's hand slid over her arm and squeezed her thin fingers. He nodded discreetly and said:

- They announced boarding for our flight. All the best, - turning to Defne, took the backpack from her hands, and carefully straightened the collar of her coat. - Let's go, my soul?

She nodded and allowed herself to be led away.

Looking after the retreating couple, the man phlegmatically remarked:

"Your ill-mannered daughter has successfully married. The appearance was probably more important to her husband than manners.

The woman said nothing. She looked at the graceful figure in black trousers and a mustard-colored short coat disappearing into the crowd, and confusion was reflected on her doll-like cute face.

Defne was silent. While the passport control was going on, while they were riding the bus and getting on the plane, she did not say a word. Omer looked worriedly at her frozen face but spoke only when the plane took off, and the stewardess allowed to unfasten the seat belts.

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