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August, 1978

It had been two weeks since Charlus had died, but when Dora closed her eyes she could still feel his presence beside her.

He felt near enough to touch sometimes, and she had more than once found herself reaching out, palms open, trying to find him in the dark of an early morning and the fogs of sleep. Charlus always disappeared before she could quite reach him, though, and her fingers would close on emptiness and her heart would break all over again. Even knowing the pain she would feel when he was gone again, Dora still chased the feeling of his presence, sitting and staring into space, her mind in another world.

Minerva McGonagall stood, watching Dora as she sat in the small yard behind the home that Minnie and Elphinstone shared in Hogsmeade. Dora sat facing the dark trees of the Forbidden Forrest, unfocused and talking to herself. Minerva's arms crossed as she watched, hugging her own arms close to her chest, and biting her lip.

"Come sit," Elphinstone Urquart's voice broke into Minnie's reverie.

Minerva continued to stare out after Dora.

"She needs time, Minerva," Elphinstone said. "It's still fresh yet..."

"Tis been a fortnight," Minnie replied, accent thick, "And she's worse than ever. She's talking to him, Elphie... "

"She's processing," he replied. "You know that's what Ms. Meadows said of it, too. She will come 'round and be herself once she's moved through her grief properly. For now, you're who I'm worried for. You need to eat, you've spent such a time worrying over Mia... You've neglected yourself. Come, have a cuppa with me."

Minerva stared for a moment longer, then tore herself away from the window and went, lowering herself beside Elphinstone, who waved his wand, sending the tea things soaring about in preparation around them. Minerva reached across the space between them, as she'd seen Dora do many times in the past two weeks, and clutched onto Elphinstone's hand - glad for the fact that Elphinstone, unlike Charlus, was very solid, and very there, and the way his fingers tightened around hers was a comfort. 

"I cannae lose them both a'twonce," whispered Minerva, shaking her head as Elphinstone's tea cup slipped into her hands. The dark blue and purple tea pattern set warm between her fingers and she held it closely, thankful for the heat it gave off. "Flea and Mia, all a'twonce..."

"She's just in need of a bit of recovery," Elphinstone replied firmly. "You aren't losing her."

Minerva stared into her tea. 

There was a knock on the door and Elphinstone looked up at the clock on the wall. It was getting on in the hour, and seemed a bit late for a call about to visit, but he stood up, and, with a quick squeeze to Minerva's shoulder, he slipped from the kitchen to get the door. He peered cautiously through a peep hole in the wood, spotting Sirius Black upon the door step, and opened it carefully. "Mr. Black," Elphinstone said, surprised. "To what do we owe this visit?"

"I need to see mum," Sirius answered.

Elphinstone nodded, then stepped back, allowing Sirius through the door. His eyes drifted out over the quiet Hogsmeade street. Just passing by was Hagrid, trailed by that funny three-headed dog of his, a bit on the tipsy side, having just come from the Three Broomsticks. Elphinstone waved back as Hagrid spotted him and jovially flapped his arm, and then he stepped quickly back inside.

Sirius had already stepped through to the kitchen and found Minerva, sitting and sipping her tea still. "Hullo Minnie," he said, though his tone was less cheerful than it might normally have been upon seeing his beloved professor. 

The Marauders - Order of the Phoenix - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now