The Chainwright Theater

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"You're sure it's tonight?" Jasper Odair asked.

"Absolutely. The Chainwright Theater. Y'go in and y'say you're there to see the show and the door opens right up... Lets y'in. That's what Underhill's informant said," Fabian Prewett nodded. "Underhill verified himself through his own connections that You Know Who will be there."

"They always do a bit of a, er, show, at these rallies, the informant told Underhill," Edgar Bones interjected. "Usually it's just a display of powerful magic of some sort, parading about a giant, showing off Greyback's latest turn... that sort of thing. But Underhill's source says that there's going to be a killing tonight and Underhill's betting its Benjy Fenwick."

Jasper shook his head.

"They're going to be on high alert, though, surely... if You Know Who will be there, the place will be crawling anyway, but they've got to know that if they're advertising a killing that the Ministry will be out in droves, too," Gideon Prewett said, leaning forward.

"Surely," agreed Edgar Bones, nodding. "Are any others coming from the Ministry proper?"

Fabian shook his head, "Alastor made sure to keep the information out of the non-Order members hands. He wanted Order only acting tonight. The Ministry's infiltrated to some extent and he didn't want anyone being aware that we knew about tonight if he could help it."

"Smart man, Alastor is," Edgar said.

"We'll still need to be especially careful," said Jasper, "Just based on location alone... I mean, the Chainwright's in a pretty enclosed block. There's only two ways in and out... There'd be the main door, of course, and muggle building requirements say there's got to be a back entrance somewhere."

"Reckon the back entrance lets off here to this alley?" asked Gideon, pointing.

"More than likely," agreed Jasper.

Edgar leaned back and drew a deep breath. He looked around at the other three. "I can't believe there's enough wizards interested in hearing the rubbish that You-Know-Who's got to say as to fill an entire theater... It's terribly disheartening."

"Multiple times over, if Underhill's informant is right," Gideon said.

Edgar shook his head. "What is wrong with the world...?"

Gideon looked over. "Would you like me to write you a poem on it?"

"No me!" Fabian cleared his throat. "Voldy, Voldy, Moly-Moo, never t'was a bastard quite the likes of you," said Fabian as though he were reciting Shakespearian prose. He raised one hand to the air

"Ah Fabulous, you always were the writer twain us two," Gideon said, looking starry eyed at his brother. Jasper couldn't help but laugh.

Fabian grinned. He looked at Edgar, who was still frowning. "Aw c'mon, Ed, don't you like my rhyme?"

Edgar said, "I'll like it a lot better when we've gotten in and out and we're back here safe and you've told it to Benjy over a dish of Raspberry Fizz."

"With pistachios," Gideon suggested.

Fabian nudged Gideon. "He says it like he thinks I'll forget to tell ol' Benjy the rhyme... or forget about the ice cream." He glanced at Jasper meaningfully.

"He'll be laughin' another tune when y'do," Gideon said, winking. Then, "Oh c'mon, Ed, we gotta stay sane somehow, yeah?"

Edgar was stowing his wand carefully into his vest pocket. "The delivery came today, Jasper?"

"Yeah, hang on - I'll go get them." Jasper turned and ducked into the back room of Florean Fortescue's, where a box labelled ice cream cones had been dropped off earlier that very day. Inside the box was an assortment of death eater masks. He carried the box out of the back, opening it up and laying it on the floor.

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