The Archer Record

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James had his head down, the case file flat open on his desk, a notepad beside with all the facts he'd collected thus far - which were not a lot, in all honesty. He felt frustrated, like a dog chasing after his tail, slowly going madder and madder. Every bit of evidence led into a new question. If... then why... but if... then why... but if... then why...

He barely looked up when the office door opened and closed and Mr. Underhill came in and hung his hat on the stand by the door. James's eyes flickered to the man as he settled into the seat behind his desk, groaning and shuffling about his papers. He wasn't sure if he was to acknowledge the bit of paper or not, and Underhill, too, was keeping his head down. No words had passed between them and James was acutely aware of the moments passing by on the clock.

"Do you have the file on the Crenshaw case I was working on last week?" Underhill asked without looking up.

"Yes sir, I filed it for you." James got up, went the filing cabinent marked A-C and sifted through to the Cs, pulling Crenshaw out and waving his wand to send it to Underhill's desk. "I put a charm on your cabinents," James told him when his boss gave him a funny look, "So that no one can summons a file from the drawers by magic. They must pull the file manually, which gives an extra layer of protection to them. I mean, it isn't much, but it'll slow a chap down."

Underhill nodded, "Very good, Potter." He turned to the Crenshaw file without another word.

James straightened some of the folders in the drawer, then pushed it closed again.

When he turned back 'round it was to find that Underhill had been staring at him for a long moment. James stood, one hand on the handle of the drawer. "Sir?"

Underhill shook his head and bent over the Crenshaw folder again.

James sat down and flipped the page in the Grant/Veigler folder and bit his lip in thought before leaning to rub his chin as he tried to fit bits together.


"Sir?" James looked up.

"Could you get me the Arlington Case file?"

James thought for a moment. "Arlington, sir?"

"It's an older case. It'll be under the A's."

"Yes sir," James stood up and went back to the cabinent, opening the A-C drawer again and flipping though the folders, each carefully labelled as he'd done. Arabrais, Archer, Argentio, Arlington. "Here it is, sir." He reached and tugged the flie out and went to put it on Underhill's dsek.

Underhill stared at him.

"Sir?" James asked, "What is it? Is my hair off?" he ran his hand through his hair.

Underhill shook his head, "No, Potter," he said, though he sounded as though he were gritting his teeth, "Your hair is fine."

"It's just that you keep --"

Underhill interrupted. "I don't think this is the right file, Potter." He held up the Arlington folder James had just fetched him. "Put it back."

James got back up, walked over, took the folder and turned back to the drawer, thinking his boss might be a little daft. What if whoever that other bloke had been with him the other day had done something to Underhill's memory? And what was with everyone getting a bit daft about him lately? Was it coincidence that everyone seemed to be losing their minds or some odd design that would slowly close in tighter and tighter 'til it had James in its grips?

He took flicked through the folders again, putting the Arlington case away.

Arabrais. Archer. Argentio...

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