Celery and Carrot Sticks

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The Evans house was quiet and dark and Mrs. Evans' car was not in the driveway. Likely, she was working late, and the girls would have a bit of time to themselves. Lily was rather glad for it - she needed to talk to Petunia, and she had the distinct suspicion that if Mrs. Evans was at home, Petunia would not be as truthful as Lily desperately needed her to be at the moment.

Lily tugged Petunia up the walk and into the house, closing the door behind them.

"Delicious champagne they had at that shop, wasn't it?" Lily asked, jumping right into her agenda as Petunia led the way into the living room, putting her bag down on a chair as she passed it and heading into the kitchen. Lily followed her along. "You did have some didn't you?"

Petunia was quiet and opened the refrigerator and took out a plate of carrot sticks and celery with a thick dip in the center, flecked with green.

Lily stood before the table, watching as her sister arranged the platter to a pretty little display. "Or did you pass it up, then?"

"I told you, I'm watching my weight," Petunia sniffed.

Lily stared at her sister's head quite hard.

"Champagne has a dreadful amount of calories, Lily, you have no idea," Petunia said. She turned and pulled a tall pitcher of water out of the fridge and got a pair of glasses from the kitchen.

Lily put her hands on her hips.

"You know I much prefer wine to champagne anyway, it's simply unnatural having all that horrible carbonation in it. Tickles the nose. Very uncomfortable."

"You're pregnant."

Petunia's hands stilled, hovering over a carrot that needed straightening in her lovely little plate of veggies. Her lips pursed and her very long neck flushed.

"Oh my stars, you really are, aren't you?"

Petunia looked up. "Don't tell. Don't tell anyone. I haven't told anyone. Not even Vernon or mummy and I don't want you --"

Lily had launched herself 'round the table, though and enveloped Petunia up in a big hug, practically crushing her sister to her chest. "Oh my gods, how amazing, how simply, truly, unbelievably incredible. I'm so bloody happy for you!"

Petunia was stiff and uncomfortable at first, but then started to melt ever so slightly. "Yes, well..." she sniffed. "I mean, it's... it's not conventional... out of wedlock and the like..."

"Oh who cares? That's such an old fashioned thing anyway. It isn't as though you and Vernon are breaking up or anything --" But Petunia had begun to cry and Lily stopped speaking. "You're... you're not, are you?"

"I'm so afraid," Petunia whimpered, "That Vernon will - will leave me if he finds out."

"Why on Earth would he leave you?" Lily asked. She wondered for a moment as she spoke the words if she would have that same worry if it were her, if she would be worried about telling James if she was the one who were pregnant. No, she decided instantly. She wouldn't. Not for that reason. James, Lily knew, would never leave her. Not for anything. It felt good to know that.

Petunia shrugged, "I don't know, it just seems like the sort of thing a man might leave a woman for..."

"Did he say that to you?" Lily demanded, ready to take her wand and go find the fat walrus and give him a good hexing. Pugnus, she decided. That would be the first spell she'd cast on that fat arse of his. Right in his nose.

"No," Petunia said, "Vernon didn't say that. I just worry is all."

"I'd hate him forever if he did," Lily said.

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