Til a Death Parts You

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Remus was sweating and he wasn't sure if it was because of the fine dark blue suit he had insisted upon wearing or nervous energy that was pummeling through his veins. He suspected it was a bit of both.

James finished off knotting the red silk tie Sirius had picked out (and he had returned to purchase) and dusted Remus's shoulders off before taking a step back. He smiled. "I'm not an expert but I do reckon you're pretty handsome, Moony."

Remus's mouth twitched with the hint of a smile and then he held out his shaking hands. "I'm so fucking nervous. Why am I so nervous? I love him and I've been with him for bloody years. I've seen the worst and best of that idiot. Why am I scared NOW?"

"Dunno, I reckon it's natural before tying the knot." James turned and took out a ring box from Remus's luggage - the bands that had belonged to his parents were inside. He tucked it into his own pocket safely, and said, "I'm really very, very happy for you."

"I'm really very, very happy for me, too," Remus said. "Soon, this'll be you who's getting hitched and - well, I reckon it'll be Sirius with you and me with Lily, but you know." He smiled. "I would happily return the favor of doing your tie up if I could."

"Thank, Moony, that means a lot to me."

They shared a hug and James took one last look over himself in the mirror, then glanced over Remus as well. "Alright. Are you ready?"

Remus nodded because he couldn't form words.

James led the way out of the little hut that he and Remus were in, through a maze of foliage - big, glossy leaves with huge colorful flowers that smelled so sweet and honeyed. Remus was thankful for James being there - he felt he might be lost if he'd been alone. They emerged then onto a small beach, and there was a small assortment of people gathered there. There was Minerva McGonagall and Ephinstone Urquart, Newt and Tina Scamander with little Bradley and Rolf, and Dorcas Meadows with Gideon Prewett, Frank Longbottom and Ali Prewitt, Peter Pettigrew, Marlene Mackinnon and Emmalene Vance, Charlus and Dora Potter, and Elva Greenwood. Remus's heart flooded with emotion as he looked around, and he could hardly breathe.

Across the small beach, there floated half shell coconuts, with little candles burning in them, giving off a beautiful aroma, and there was a great deal of tiny little white flowers and bright orange hibiscus in bunches strung about everywhere, their neon color not obscuring the beauty of the white flowers, but enhancing their simplicity. James saw Remus admiring a bunch and he leaned over and said, "Lily says they're a metaphor."

"What?" Remus looked at James.

"Dunno, maybe that's the sort of plant they are?" James said with a shrug. "She was making them this morning and she said 'oh what a lovely metaphor, don't you agree?' And honestly I had no idea what she was talking about and I just agreed."

Remus laughed.

He was in such a good mood that he didn't even have it in him to explain it to James.

They were ushered up front of everyone, who took seats on various cushions and chairs that they drew up themselves with their wands (Newt kindly made a duplicate for Elva, the only muggle present). James ruffled Remus's hair so the curls hung just a tiny bit onto his forehead, and he smiled. "You're about to be married, Rey."

Remus nodded, his throat constricted.

"Remember every detail." James patted Remus's shoulder and stepped to the side, allowing Remus to stare down the cleared path they'd taken from the garden foliage. He held his breath without meaning to, dizzy with the anticipation.

Lily came out of the garden next, barefoot and beautiful, her long dress fluttering around her ankles as she walked across the sand. "Blimey," James whispered.

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