Chapter 27~ A Trio's Battle (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

I think all that positivity was wasted at this point. Turns out I had completely forgotten about the cut I had on my abdomen, and am currently doubled over on my knees, groaning in pain. It was a lot worse than I thought, and though I felt myself slipping away, I try my best to remain conscious. But the harder I try, the more weaker I got. I just have to hold on a little longer.

Kite had also been knocked off his feet, the effect of Photon finally tearing him apart. I wanted to tell him to stop, to finish what he was trying so hard to do and look after himself. Yuma, thankfully, seemed fine.

I know it was wrong to forfeit and leave everything behind, but by the pain and exhaustion we were all in, I actually think that would be the smartest option. Continuing would only hurt us more, and would be the foolish option. Then again, we had worked so hard to come here! We all stayed here to save Hart and Astral World! Forfeiting this duel would not only destroy Astral World, but... would also kill Hart...

One look at Yuma and I know he wasn't backing down any time soon until he was nailed to the ground, and I began to feel the same, the throbbing of my cut soon numbing away. I stumble to my feet, looking out at the field. Faker was clearly powerful, with a monster that keeps getting more powerful as our monsters do. We can't attack his monster, but we can only attack him directly. We currently have Utopia Ray, equipped with Shark Fin, Shark Drake and Galaxy Eyes. The one way for all of us to win is to increase all our monster's powers, just as Yuma has already done. However, that would mean Kite would have to use Neo Galaxy Eyes, and that would for sure tear him apart! He would be out for good!

Besides, let's not forget that Shark Drake Vice would try to take over my body. He's aggressive and manipulative, meaning he would try to take over my body. But, by doing so, he would only hurt me more! I don't know if I'd jeopardise our mission and duel if I end up getting taken over. I am definitely worried...

I squint when I see a bright, rainbow-coloured light coming from the laser canon, almost like a bright beam of hope. The light was dazzling and blinding, and passed all the hue and colours, I see a body against the wall. Hart. He was still there! He's ok! I hear Kite whisper his name next to me, and I feel a little warmer and confident after knowing now that he's ok. The Sphere in the laser started to destabilise, gravitating away towards the ground.

"NO! HART, YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO DEACTIVATE THE SPHERE CANON!" Faker was off guard! I don't think he can think on his feet anymore. This was my chance to strike!

I know what I need to do.

"LET'S DO THIS SHARK DRAKE! GO CHAOS XYZ EVOLUTION! APPEAR CHAOS NUMBER 32 SHARK DRAKE VICE!" I feel the familiar raging purple flames elope around me, licking against my figure. I wait for the dark voice in my head, for everything to turn back. And it does, Faker and Yuma and Kite fading out of view. I felt my legs start to wobble and give way, finally becoming face to face with Shark Drake. Number 32. It's time to settle the score!

Shark! Let the number take over!

I inhale, keeping my mind steady. "Listen, Shark Drake! You and I are a lot more alike than you think! We both know that Faker is the real enemy that holds all of the numbers! So, we have to defeat him so we can get you back with the other numbers! I don't care if you don't want me to take over you, but if you allow me to duel on my own, I can keep you on the field as the main line of attack! Does that sound good to you?"

I wait. The silence around us is thick. I didn't say no, but I didn't say yes either. But, all of a sudden, I return to my body. No nagging voice. No horrible pain. Except the huge amount I was suddenly feeling in my stomach. But, I was too drived by the opportunity I was given to care at that moment. I look at my cards and pull one out, wasting no time. I've made a plan to inflict damage directly to Faker!


I hear Kite mutter in positivity, and smile to myself. I'm glad that he likes my strategy. But, Faker seems just as happy.

"I'm afraid I have to disappoint you, Shark!" He cackles evilly, and I feel something drop in my stomach. "I ACTIVATE MY TRAP, FAKE LIGHT! Watch as I receive no damage from your pathetic attack, but instead gain the points you've lost!" I can't even put a dent in this guy! What attack will actually inflict damage on him?! But, I see a way to not hurt him, but give us an upper hand in our attack.

Since Kite needs to tribute summon 3 monsters in order to get his Neo Galaxy Eyes out onto the field, I need to summon another 2 monsters out. However, by doing so I would hurt him. Besides that, I placed the trap I needed anyway.

"I put a face down and end my tu- AGH!" The pain hit me with unbelievable force, like a venomous knife was stabbed square into my stomach, and I drop to my knees, clutching at my stomach. I hear Yuma rush to my side, Kite gasping quietly in worry. But, I didn't need this sympathy from my friends.

"Shark, we need to get you some help!"

I grimace through my pain, a little irritated on Yuma's "great" idea of kicking me out of this duel. "Not until we win this!"

I hear a gentle "Shark" being said out loud, and look straight into Kite's eyes, They were almost glowing, the same hues of colour as Hart's rays. He was going to win this. I can tell! "Don't worry, I've got this!" I put all my faith in him.


"I was hoping you did that!" I said through sounds of pain, trying to kneel into an upright position. "I ACTIVATE MY TRAP, XYZ DIMENSION SPLASH! THIS TRAP CAN ONLY BE ACTIVATED WHEN IT'S SENT TO THE GRAVEYARD, SO THANK YOU, DR!" I can't help but grin at him, finding pleasure in his gobsmacked silence. "THIS MEANS I CAN SUMMON 2 WATER TYPE MONSTERS TO MY FIELD FROM MY DECK! I'M SUMMONING MY TWO HYPER-ANCIENT SHARK MEGELADON!" As I place the two cards on the field, I feel a little pride in me. I was helping Kite. We were going to win this together! I turn to Kite, grinning at him through pain, enjoying his also shocked reaction before I collapse in pain, arms giving way as the cut stung even more. But, through all the hurt, it was worth it. "The stage is all set for you, Kite!"

I hear Kite snap out of his senses longer than he needed, and he frowns at Faker. "Thank you, Shark!" I smile at the sound of my name off his lips, glad that he's hopeful. But, I don't want him to get any more hurt. I supposed I'll have to keep waiting, because neither of us are backing out. Not until Hart and Astral World are safe! That is the promise the three of us will make!

100 times I had to refer back to the original series. 100 times it felt like. Also, a little story all of you may like to know.

My sister: Hey, Meenu, come look at this video!

Me: What?

Video: Yuma- "Utopia and I are a team, and I trust him just as much as he trusts me!"

Me: What's your point?


Me: *facepalms* are you actually ok?


Thanks for reading!!! Hope this chapter is good! I enjoyed writing it, surprisingly, and sorry about the changes too,

Be potates!


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