Chapter 3~ Be Prepared

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Not a lion king reference whatsoever, I swear!

[Shark's POV]

I woke up earlier than usual today. I have no idea of what hit me with such a drive this morning but here I was now in my gym attire ready for my normal morning jog. Well, it wasn't really a jog, more like a run. Running takes my mind off everything, focus on the path in front of me, and it's the only time I can let loose and burn myself to the max. It also helps get rid of the pent-up anger I have. Somehow, the occurred events of yesterday still remain to haunt me, and that strange loathing for Kite still hasn't faltered. Even saying his name makes my stomach quench.

Today, I have no route, no time plan. I will run until I can't anymore, and when I get to that point, I will not stop. I will burn myself until the last ember, until I'm on the brink of exhaustion. I will not be weak, I will live up to my name. Shark- dangerous, fast, predatory, sharp, feared by most. Just like I am supposed to be.

My mind wandered out to the quiet streets. In just 2 hours time, these deserted streets would be busy with the regular 8 am traffic. But for now, I'll run alongside with the card. I felt my muscles tense with every spring I take, preparing for a stage of complete numbness. At that point, the only thing that would keep me going is the adrenaline, and I wouldn't stop until it ran out. It'll hurt a lot afterwards, but pushing myself to run faster is the best feeling, as if I were running on air. It's almost pleasant.

I reach the park 20 minutes later, which is surprising since I didn't notice the time fly by so quickly, but it also shows I've gotten faster, my breath a lot clearer than usual. A few more minutes later and I reached the brink, body and chest aching, limbs stiff and muscles screaming with every spring from my foot. But I had to push just a little harder and then the adrenaline would take over, let me run endlessly until I get back home. I check my watch through pants again and it showed I had run 1.7 miles, meaning I should turn back by now- I still have to get home.

I tried to ignore the tightness and dryness of my chest and throat as I picked up the pace, trying to count even faster to keep my feet in time. 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2. Finally, somewhere between pain and fluidity, I sprinted for a few seconds and I felt it. Some kind of electricity flowing through my veins, cooling my boiling blood and causing some sweat to drip on my face. Some of the blood drained from my face, making me feel light-headed, and my legs and arms felt like wings, running with so much ease and speed that I felt like I was flying. I don't need wings to fly, nor did I need a damn robot. I can fly on my own with what I have. 

It felt like I was water, flowing like a river back to my house. Yes, I would be in immense pain from over-exertion, but to give that pain up for this moment of bliss will be and is worth it. No restraints, no-

"HEY SHARK!" I was not in the mood for this right now. Yuma. Yes, I liked him and he is my "friend" and all, but when I was at my happiest, I didn't want to speak to him. Or anyone for that matter, I don't feel this feeling hardly ever except when I run. For some reason, though, I felt a wave of extreme enraged anger, irritation almost. I agree, I used to feel this around Yuma, but that was when I was a jerk and had the pleasure of beating up people to a pulp. The thought of us "hanging out" made me even more anger. I doused this spitting fire out with calmness and kept running. Thankfully, I had earbuds in, so I can pretend not to hear him, as rude as it sounds. But I have to have rude moments to show others that I am the top predator, not some tiny snack or something.

Surprisingly, that annoying voice didn't follow, so I continued to run home with what was left of the adrenaline that was just seconds ago coursing through me. 

Time skip, brought to you by number 83, Regina Galattica (Galaxy Queen)! And no, I am not fluent in Italian...

Ok, maybe running at my best wasn't the best of ideas...

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