She was brought out of her thoughts when the chief continues talking "Regarding the Hero Killer we arrested. He had fairly serious injuries with burns and broken bones and is receiving treatment under strict guard, woof."

Sakura bit the insides of her cheeks to keep from grinning. Something akin to pride swell inside her which quickly disappeared as fast as it had appeared. The tension in the room is so heavy, it makes her wonder if what they had done was wrong in some way.

"Since you are UA students, I'm sure you already know the police attached high importance to leadership and standards, making sure quirks were not used as weapons."

They stood still while he continues.

"For an individual's use of force and power that can easily kill others— to be accepted officially is thanks to early heroes who followed the ethics and rules of the profession, woof"

Tsuragamae narrowed his eyes slightly, pausing to observe them one by one.

"Even up against the Hero Killer, for uncertified individuals to cause injuries with their Quirks—is a clear violation of the rules."

He shifted in his position, straightening his already straight back as if it will intimidate them. That's gonna be sore afterwards, she grimaced. "The four of you, and the pro heroes Endeavor, Manual and Gran Torino must receive strict punishments."

Sakura ground her jaw. All sorts of retorts ready at the tip of her tongue. But Shoto beat her to it. She turned back, and saw him glaring towards Tsuragamae.

The boy scoffed before saying "If Iida hadn't done anything Native would have been killed. If Midoriya doesn't come the two of them would've been killed." He's annoyed, if his expression doesn't prove it, his tone of voice did. Shoto glanced at her before snapping his gaze back towards the chief "If Sakura hadn't been there, I would've lost my arm or worse, killed."

He took a step forward "No one realized that the Hero Killer had appeared. Are you saying we should've followed the rules and watch people get killed?"

Izuku, being the one closest to him at the moment, nervously holds his shoulders trying to calm him down. Sakura was surprised, to say the least and she could tell, Iida and Izuku are too. It's rare for him to be this way in front of people. Sure she had seen a few different sides to him, but angry? She had never even seen an angry Shoto before. Perhaps a glimpse in the sports festival.

Tsuragamae however, doesn't seem to be fazed as he retorted "Are you saying that as long as it turns out alright, it's okay to bend the rules?"

"Isn't it a hero's job to save people?" Shoto could feel his voice rising with every word. He could feel himself, getting angrier by the seconds that passed by as he continues glaring at the nonchalant guy.

Letting out a sigh, Tsuragamae shuts his eyes in exasperation "That is why you're not a full-fledged hero yet. Mattaku(goodness) what are you being taught by UA and Endeavor, woof?"

Clenching his fist, Shoto hissed out through gritted teeth "You dog!" He shrugged out of Izuku's hold and stomped forward. Ignoring the two boys trying to calm him down. Gran Torino stepped in front of him just as he passed Izuku. Shooting him the same glare he gave the dog, he pushes him out of the way.

He could feel his nails digging in his palms from clenching his fist too tight, it's gonna leave a mark but he doesn't care. He was near to closing the distance between him and the dog when a hand smaller than his, wrapped around his clenched fist.

"Shoto," Halting in his steps, he turned to look at her. His glare faltered as Sakura frowned at him, concerned. He lets out a shuddering breath, calming himself down and stepped back to stood beside her, not before throwing a last glare to Tsuragamae of course.

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