kojirou; food wars!

Start from the beginning

After almost a month had passed with you working there as a full-time chef. Kojirou had yelled at you less than before, only scolding you when he felt like it.

He couldn't help but feel attracted to your beauty, skill, and personality. You would usually be the one to stay late and help clean up while he did paperwork. Sometimes, you two would talk casually about random things. You would rarely talk about your feelings, except when you were noticeably stressed or out of it and he would ask you what your problem was.

Tonight was one of those nights where you stayed late to help clean up. Instead of Kojirou doing paperwork this time, he was helping prep for the next day. As he was rummaging through the fridge and you were wiping down the counters, he glanced over at you.

The way your hair fell onto your face as you glided the towel across the counter made his heart flutter. You were so beautiful without even trying to be. He couldn't understand why, no matter how much he pondered it. He ripped his eyes away from yours as butterflies swarmed in his stomach.

"Oi, y/n." Kojirou called out to you.

"Yes, Chef Shino?" You replied as you wiped your forehead with your wrist.

"Tch. You can call me by my name when we aren't working, idiot." He said, blushing with his back towards you.

"Oh. Okay. Do you need something, Kojirou?" You asked as you washed your hands.

"Are you hungry?" He mumbled quietly.

"What was that?" You asked, not being able to hear him.

"Are you hungry?" He replied in a louder voice as he turned around and pushed up his glasses.

"Oh," you said a bit shocked. "Um, I suppose I haven't had dinner yet. Why?"

"I'll cook for you." He said as he quickly took food items from the fridge and moved to the kitchen before you could interject.

While he cooked, it was pretty quiet between you two. He felt a bit nervous as the thought of cooking for you lingered in his mind. The silence didn't bother you as much. You sat on a stool as you admired his features. The way he was so focused on the dish he was creating inspired you. His pink hair strands fell on his pale face, only adding to his attractiveness. He felt you stare at him, making him blush.

"Why are you staring at me? It's creepy." He lied as he continued to cook.

"Sorry, I'll stop." You chuckled as you looked away from him.

He blushed even more, hearing the sound of your cute laughter.

Kojirou finished two plates of food and set them in between the two of you.

"Thank you!" You said happily.

You were honestly starving, especially once Kojirou started cooking.

"Yeah, yeah. Just eat."

You guys ate and talked to each other about the restaurant and each other's lives. Surprisingly, he opened up about his past and his journey to how he got to this point in his life. You admired him even more; his persistence and perseverance that he had to have to get through all the challenges in his life.

"Wow. You're more amazing than I thought." You said after he finished his story.

"Sh-shut up. It's nothing to be praised for." He said as he pushed up his glasses and turned his face away from you.

You chuckled at his reaction and rested your head on your hand. It was quiet for a moment as you looked at the metal counter and Kojirou stared to the side.

"Soooooo," You said, purposefully trying ti make Kojirou feel awkward.

"Shut up, idiot." He replied, covering half of his face.

You chuckled at him and reached out to poke his cheek.

"Hey," You said, trying to make him look at you.

"Wha-mph!" You pressed your lips against his.

It was a bold move and honestly, you could've been fired if he didn't feel the same about you. But, you didn't think about it until after you had already kissed him. You pulled back after realizing what you had done.


Kojirou placed a hand behind your neck and forced his lips onto you again in a deep and passionate kiss. You pulled away and moved around the counter, over to him. He placed his hands on your lower back and pulled you towards him. You placed your hands on the sides of his neck and kissed him again. He wrapped his arms around your waist, moving his lips against yours. Kojirou started to unbutton your shirt before you grabbed his wrist to stop him and pulled away from his face.

"Too fast." You sighed in disappointment and turned to walk away.

"W-wait!" Kojirou said as he grabbed your wrist. "I don't care about that..." He said while blushing. "Let's go to the movies after work tomorrow." He said softly, keeping his eyes away from yours.

You chuckled at him, liking his out of character-ness.

"Okay, it's a date." You said as you walked closer to him and kissed him softly.

- waveybdj

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