5. Confused

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Bea's POV

   My mom and dad let me skip next the two days of school, which was good because then we had the weekend to go before we had to be back at school on Monday.

They knew how uncomfortable I was with attention, and I was guaranteed to have loads of it when kids saw my face. It also didn't help that the local news station had talked about "The Robbery and Hostage", as they were calling it, the night it happened and the night after. They weren't able to give out my name since I was a minor, but rumors and gossip traveled fast. And so did Shannon's mouth.

I'm sure everyone on the Towneys and Downeys side knew exactly who the young girl was that was assaulted in the gas station that night.

Some of the swelling had finally gone down in my nose a little and the pain was finally lessening some. My eyes still were both black, and I figured that would take the longest to heal. The back of my head had a huge bald spot though from where I had yanked my hair out of the mans grasp trying to get away. I did my best to keep it covered, but I'm sure it was visible if you were really looking for it.

My parents had both been overbearing to say the least. They had hardly let me out of their sight since Wednesday night, and I was about to go crazy if they didn't start giving me some much needed space again.

Thankfully, my sister must have clued them in on how annoying they were being, because they finally decided to leave the house together for a couple hours on Saturday. They said they had a couple errands to run, and I told them to take their time and make a day date of it, please, for my sake.

I was relaxing in my bed and catching up on my homework when I heard the doorbell ring. I tossed my workbook aside and moved to get up to answer the door when I heard my sisters mumbled voice from downstairs. My guess was it was just somebody trying to sell us something or another journalist ready to give me the next best deal for an inside scoop from the "victim".

    Laying back down in bed, I glanced at the clock and realize it was already late afternoon time and my parents would be due home soon for dinner. I picked my book back up and laid it across my lap to finish my reading.

    30 minutes later, and I could still hear the mumbled voices from downstairs, and I could tell it wasn't my parents. Curiosity got the best of me and I climbed out of bed before meandering my way down the stairs quietly.

    "Shannon, who was at the door?" I ask, coming around the last corner in the hallway before reaching our sitting area at the front of the house.

   I stop dead in my tracks when I see Harry and Shannon sitting on the couch together. 

   Harry smiles softly at me and Shannon looks like the cat who just ate the canary. "You remember Harry, right Beatrice?"

    Shannon knows I hate being called by my full name. And for some reason, her sitting here with Harry and calling me that name makes me pretty damn mad.

     "You mean the guy who just saved my life 3 nights ago? Yeah, Shannon, kinda hard to forget." I say, and don't hide the fact that I'm talking down to her.

    Harry seems nervous suddenly and scoots away from Shannon a little bit on the couch. "Hey Bea, how you feeling?"

    I glance Harry quickly before going back to glare at my sister. "I'm doing better, thank you for asking."

    Harry looks between my sister and I a few times before setting down the drink I assume my sister got for him. "I'm going to use the restroom real quick. Where's that at?"

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