18. Lessons

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Harry's POV

   I wasn't sure how to feel about what Bea had done the other night, and I was still thinking of it days later. I never asked her about it, and she never brought it up either. But when the kid delivered the pizza and I told him I thought he had the wrong house, because we definitely didn't order a pizza, he insisted 'the girl' who called said this was for our house.

    He didn't have to say anything else, I knew exactly what girl he was referring to. I had just dropped her off and she had devoured my mouth in a way she had never done before. At first I just stared at the kid, not knowing what to do. But finally I grabbed the pizza and drinks from him and carried them in the house. When Gemma saw I had pizza, she basically squealed in joy, which wasn't common for my sister. She didn't get excited over things the way she did when we were younger.

    If not for her, I was tempted to grab the pizza's and take them back to Bea's house, hating that she was spending money on me like that. But with Gemma's excitement, I couldn't make myself do it. I couldn't even remember the last time we had had pizza together at home. We were given our lunch for free at school because of our mom's low income, but school pizza was nothing compared to delivery pizza.

    Together we devoured a whole pizza, and a half a bottle of the soda she ordered too. We had enough pizza for the next night too, and I was between being in awe of Bea, and being pissed.

    This was my fear. That I couldn't provide for her and she would spend her life doing all of those things for me instead, when she deserved so much better. I wanted to be the one to spoil Bea with surprises at her door, but I knew with the situation I was in, that just wasn't realistic.

    Knowing Bea didn't know sending me pizza would upset me, I didn't let on to her how much it really upset me. Fighting over pizza honestly seemed stupid, and those were insecurities within myself that I was just going to have to work on, or bust my ass to fix.

    I wanted to return the favor though, by helping her or making her smile in some way like she had done for Gemma and I. Which was how we had ended up in my car together, her in the driver seat and me in the passenger, in an abandoned grocery store parking lot.

    "Are you sure about this?" Bea asked, for what had to be the 10th time.

    "I'm positive."

    "But what if I hit something?"

   I made a show of looking around us, nothing close in sight. "well if you're referring to the air.."

   Bea reached over and smacked me in the chest, "Be serious, Harry!"

   "I am! There is nothing even remotely close to us that you could hit. You're worrying about nothing."

   "Okay," Bea sighed. "I can do this."

   "Just put the car in drive, and press lightly on the gas pedal. Get to know the feeling of the car first and get more comfortable."

    She shifts the gear down into drive, and I see her foot move over to the gas pedal. She barely presses it, and we start inching forward slowly.

   "There you go, just like th-" We lurch forward suddenly, Bea's foot having smashed on the pedal too harshly. "Okay, okay, that's fine. It happens. Lets just try our best not to do any burnouts."

At First Glance//(Harry Styles FanFic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant