Chapter 12: Casual vs Pro Part 2

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«Mine's not luck, not at all... it's my will. If someday you'll find someone to save at any cost, maybe you'll understand... otherwise I'll break your illusion right here, right now!» Touma exclaimed showing his right arm ready; however, those words had a completely unexpected result on Fran: the air around him darkened and thickened while his fists were trembling. A huge amount of shadows started floating around the masked boy, eventually uniting into a long mantle made of sharp and spiky tentacles who were waving menacingly against the level zero.

«You damned gnat... how dare you tell you'd teach me how to save people?! Me?!» A long tentacle coming from above tried to slash Touma, who managed to dodge last second; the shadow tentacle pierced deeply into the bridge's road, destroying the asphalt.

«What happened to him all of a sudden?!» Touma couldn't explain this new unpredictable aggressiveness by such an apparently composed and calm opponent.

«I can't accept it... after all happened last night, all the pain and the wish I had to run away from here... Have I really felt all of this because of such an insignificant being like him?! Am I really jealous of this fool? Misaka... you're actually the biggest disappointment, having a crush on this guy... life already taught me there is no meritocracy in love but this... Oh, maybe I should stop listening to my heart... at least not now, I'm really getting mad, eheheheh...» Fran tried to close his eyes to calm down a bit from being drove like crazy, but even like this he could only see one thing: the moment he was destroying Kamijou Touma. «Alright... enough limit testing, enough acting, enough dialogue... I just want to crush him right now. He hit a nerve he shouldn't had... I will give him everything I got... and I'll try something new I designed.» Fran started slowly walking towards Touma, with all his tentacles wildly waving around.

«Hello?! Have you totally gotten crazy, no reason?!» Touma asked as he backed off worried for his life; Fran thought he wasn't worthy answering and attacked him with a powerful tentacle slash, Touma dodged in time by ducking down but the blade cut off an iron beam, eventually throwing it in the water.

«Are you trying to kill me?!» Touma yelled at him.

«Don't overreact, hero. My attacks have a different effect on human flesh... and I'm so looking forward to show you.» Fran exclaimed, getting ready to use his tentacles again.

«Index... I'm sorry, but you have to wait a little more. 'Ight, Imma head out!» Touma turned the back to his opponent and started running away from him.

 'Ight, Imma head out!» Touma turned the back to his opponent and started running away from him

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«After all those moving speeches... you run?! I'm going to squash you!» This made Fran even madder so he charged towards Touma, attacking him with many of his tentacles aiming to the direction he was running to intercept him; the level zero, however, suddenly stopped and stood still so every tentacle missed the hit because they attacked too early. Then Touma quickly got back on his steps, rushing towards Fran with his right hand ready to punch; the masked boy used the remaining tentacles to stop his opponent's advance but Touma easily destroyed them with the Imagine Breaker.

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