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Talia and Quinn are utterly defeated by the way he shoots them disarming smiles and tousles his hair just enough for it to be alluringly shaggy. However, while they haven't witnessed first-hand the cracks in his armour, I have, and I'm starting to see through his knight persona. Their smiles are genuine, meanwhile mine is cautiously hesitant.

Quinn and I just met up with Talia following a PR Planning and Delivery lecture that featured the in-depth process of a PR campaign. Colour me surprised when we round the corner to see Harris animatedly conversing with a swooning Talia. Accepting, considering it's just like Harris to win over the best friends, but surprised, nonetheless.

Imagine their shock if they realize the charming Harris Montgomery isn't all he's cracked up to be. My shock manifested as wordlessness the first time the revelation struck me.

Harris' grin sticks when his gaze shifts past Talia to me. When she turns around, her smile seems to mirror his except there's something more genuine about hers. That isn't staggering, given there's something about Harris' smile. It's more twisted and just there for the sake of being there than having any earnestness behind it.

"I was waiting for you," Harris mumbles, but not quiet enough for Talia and Quinn to not overhear as he leans in close to kiss me quickly. Even when he draws back, the smile remains fixed. "We're meeting your parents to go to dinner still, right? We'll just need to drop by my house before yours."

"Sure," I tell him, though as soon as he utters it, Ford bizarrely surfaces in my mind and the memories of us sharing Hudson's house momentarily fog me.

As I turn to face Quinn and Talia my brows furrow at the realization that they're observing our interaction with awed expressions. They seem to quickly snap back to attention, their cheeks flushing upon being caught. Harris chuckles, his chest vibrating against my arm.

"We'll see you soon, ladies," he murmurs lowly.

"I'll text you guys later," I say to them.

Harris' hand slides down my arm to my hand as we spin around and proceed to the parking lot. Officially finished with college for the day, we have only a few hours until the dinner reservation with my parents.

For whatever reason, they wanted to set one up, and when I queried their intentions, Mom simply stated that it has been a while since they'd spoken, and it would be nice to spend time together with the four of us. I can't fault the logic, even if I'm partially dreading the dinner.

And then Harris—being the type of guy he is—announced he got us reservations at Moonshine. Possibly the most prestigious restaurant in Westville. My mom just about stumbled over her own feet when I announced it. Dad, on the other hand, blew a long incredulous breath.

I've been there once before with Harris... back before I realized he's Red Alert and everything seemed to slip perfectly into place with all the cut-throat answers.

Ford and Gabriella were on a date at the same time. Admittedly it appeared odd to me that Harris had booked dinner there for us at the same time Ford was there with his newest interest, but I just never questioned it.

We take separate cars to Harris' house and will continue to do so until arriving at my house, upon which he will drive us all to Moonshine. Harris has his explanation: "With Moonshine, you need to rock up in the right wheels. It's all about style, that restaurant, even if you haven't even entered yet. It's about belonging."

It's about bullshit, but that's just my opinion.

"Is anyone in?" I ask from behind Harris as we ascend the staircase at his house. The house seems eerily still with its mightily intimidating stature—a mansion.

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