It's a Trap...

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We stood back to back, making our final stand.
We didn't have enough energy to be doing this.
We had to keep going.
Monsters of many different types came closer.
I'd never seen this many monsters in one place at one time, not even during the war.
My powers wouldn't work, Nico stance was wavering.
He was slipping, we both were, we wouldn't be able to last much longer.
Then they attacked.
Dracanae attacked from all angles, along with hellhounds.
We had our backs against each other's.
We could both tell that this wasn't going to end well for us.
'Attack!' One of the screamed.

About 20 monsters were dead.
We could tell they'd sent the weakest monsters in first, it was a little too easy.
Then the stronger monsters attacked.
5 at a time. I managed to kill two.
Nico wasn't so lucky.
He killed one but another took him by surprise.
I span round just in time, sadly, to see the hilt of one of the Dracaena's swords hit Nico in the head.
He crumpled.
'NICO!' I screamed.
I got distracted for long enough for two Dracaena's to grab my arms.
I screamed and kicked, trying to get my arms out of their grasps.
'No, stay away from him, leave him alone, Please!' I was turning hysterical.
The ground started to shake.
Some monsters stumbled.
Others fell into others weapons, dead in an instant.
'LEAVE HIM ALONE!' I screamed.
The earth rippled and started to crack.
Monsters were swallowed in twos and threes, when they fell into a hole it closed behind them.

If I couldn't get my emotions under control this was going to end badly for everyone.
I looked over to Nico, he was breathing, but barely.
Dad, you've got to help me please, I'm losing control. I thought.
Nothing happened.
Then something clicked inside me, a felt a tug in the pit of my stomach.
I knew I'd lost control of my powers.
The floor beneath my feet started to glow, and the monsters who still managed to have a hold on me were disintegrated.
The sealing began to shake.
I started to see dots in front of my eyes, my vision got blurry and I felt myself slipping out of consciousness.
And then I blacked out.

Jason's P.O.V
I was really worried about Nico and Alex.
I know that they told me to go and help save the world and all that but I couldn't help but have the feeling that something was going to happen, something was going to go wrong.
I decided that I'd call Tempest to get back to camp, I had enough energy.
It'd take me around 4 hours.
2/3 hours in the ground began to shake.
Cracks appeared in the road.
I knew straight away that this was no ordinary earthquake.
'For the love of the gods Quake please tell me that this isn't you that's doing this from all the way in Hollywood,' I murmured to myself. 'Cause if it is you someone's got you hella pissed, or they did something to Nico. Oh gods!'
It'd suddenly all clicked.
Someone or something had attacked them and Nico had gotten hurt, which had made Alex lose control.
This had only happened once before, back when we were kids and she was told that she couldn't go out of camp on a quest.
That was not a fun time.
I was worried now, and let me tell you it's not good to be worried about the 2 people that you've left on their own when you know just how powerful they both are.
I felt sorry for whatever was on the receiving end of that.
Then as quickly as it had started, it just stopped.
That's not good.

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