Carrying on without Jason

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Alex's P.O.V
I hated the next 2/3 hours.
It was just me and Nico.
It's not that I don't enjoy Nico's company but Jason's become the big brother that I didn't know I had, so when I do see Percy, I'll have 2 big brothers!
It just means that I'll have two boys telling Nico 'if you hurt her, I'll sent you to Hades the hard way' which won't be fun, for either of us.
We haven't said a word to each other since Jason left.
It's not that it's uncomfortable, it's just we're not in the mood to have a convosation.
Especially not this close to the Underworld entrance.
Nico's getting quite twitchy.
We can both feel the 'power' coming from the underworld.
And it's not the good kind.
'Alex, you okay?' Nico asked quietly.
'Yeah, I- I just can't believe he's gone. I know he had to but it just-'
'I know what you mean.'
I sighed.

'Come on the entrance is just here.' Nico said motioning to the 'H' of the sign.
Nico placed his sword into the hold he had on his back, while I slipped mine into one of my belt loops.
'Woe to all brave souls.' Nico stated.
The rocks around the bottom of the H fell forward, clearing slightly to make a pathway.
We walked forward into the darkness.
Nico grabbed my hand and led me off a side path that I hadn't seen.

We ended up walking along the edge of the river Styx, which neither of us were enjoying.
Nico looked at me looking puzzled.
'You alright?' he asked
'N-no' I stuttered.
'What's got you this spooked, Quake.'
'I...Oh gods this is going to sound so stupid!'
'No it won't, please tell me.' I've never heard Nico this serious.
'What? I can't hear you Alex!'
'Nico, I-I'm scared of water' I whispered.
'Oh gods Quake! Why didn't you tell me?'
'It's so stupid though! I mean I'm a child of Poseidon for the love of the Gods!!'
'Would you believe me if I told you that Thalia, Jason's sister, also a daughter of Zeus.'
'The one who was turned into a pine tree?'
'Yeah, would you believe me if I told you that she's scared of heights?'
'No.' I said simply.
'Well she is, absolutely petrified!'
'Are you just saying this to make me feel better di Angelo?'
'Nope, it's the truth.'
'Aww, that's cute!' Something hissed 'What are two demigodsssss like you doing in a placcccce like thissss?'
'Oh Styx' we both cursed at the same time.
This wasn't going to end well.

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