"The one with the day"

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Aneesha's POV

Today was an amazing day. I had a lot of fun. We just had two lectures today so we decided to hang out and have lunch at our favourite restaurant Cafeteria & co. We headed out of college at around 12 noon. After that we went to the nearby market. Ishu and Ashi bought a few dresses and I bought some junk jewellery. Guys were busy drooling over new shoe collection. Then we also devoured some street food. I love street food ya.

Abhi and I have a habit of walking ahead of the rest four of them to give the love birds some privacy. Although they've told us many times to not to do so but still being the amazing and understanding people that we are, Abhi and I can't help not doing that. On that note, let me tell you that DJ and Ashi are together since school while Ishu and Avi started dating in the second year of their undergraduate course. And these pain in the ass friends of mine have also tried setting me and Abhi up together like so so many times. But you see we are too happy being single. Abhi and I share a really good bond and he's an amazing guy. I like him but in a platonic way.

We settled for lunch at our favourite corner table. We were remembering some good old and embarrassing days and laughing out loud. I recorded a snap video and posted it on snapchat. We ordered our all time favourites dishes of this place.

While I was laughing as DJ was pulling Avi's legs, I glanced around and my eyes locked with a person who was looking at us or me to be precise. It was not like an intense eye lock. I quickly averted my gaze from him and saw him heading to his table from the corner of my eyes. But I must tell you that that  guy was looking really handsome dressed in a formal attire and he looked in his late twenties.

"So how is it going with Nikita?", Avi asked Abhi.

"It's good. Touchwood. Even though Sana (his twin sister) was apprehensive in the beginning given that Nikki is her best friend but she's all good with it now." Abhi replied.

"That's cool man. We are so happy for you." DJ said.

"Guys you all should definitely go for triple date. All you couples together. It would be fun." I said

"Nope. We are not going anywhere leaving you." Ishu said

"Yes. So we are going to wait till you find someone to accompany us. We look forward to quadruple date" Ashi said

"Oh god. Stop with the formality ya.Thank you so much. But still till then you guys can really go ahead. Don't worry about me" I said

"Nope. Not at all" said Abhi

"In fact you can help us by finding someone you know" Said Avi

"Mission finding boyfriend for Annie" said DJ

"Guys please no" I protested

"By the way what do you think of Vikram?" Ashi said excitedly

"Who? Rana?" Asked Avi
Ashi nodded.

"He's a good guy actually" Abhi said looking at me

"Guys please stop" I said

"Yes please. Stop with your matchmaking. Her family is already behind it." Ishu told as a matter of fact.
All the four heads turned towards her.

"Wait, are we missing something here?" DJ asked
That's when Ishu realised what she has blurted out and glanced up to see me giving her I'll kill you bitch look.

I was discussing an assignment with Ishu yesterday night when I accidentally told her about the conversation with my parents. I specifically told her to not to blurt this out. It's not that I don't trust them or something. But just that I want to keep it private till anything is actually official or for that matter happening. Besides it's just a meeting. Who knows what happens?

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