"Hey, shut it. I texted you"

"Glad you got some vitamin D. At least your birthday wasn't that bad", Jiwoo nudges her shoulder lightly. "Just a hook up?"

"Of course", Haru busies herself taking out her books and notebooks, preparing for their first lecture of the day. "At least my birthday is well spent this year"

"But that man was hot as hell too. You scored"

But before Haru could even reply, her professor walks in. She seems to be in a very good mood, smiling and greeting everyone as she settles in, putting out her laptop on the table. She even asked everyone how they spent their weekend, asking to share anecdotes of what they did over the two days break.

It is beautiful morning to be exact, the sky is clear and the sun is out, not too hot, just the right amount of warmness to greet the beginning of Autumn. Mornings like this just put everyone in a very wonderful mood, like an indication everything is going to be well today and nothing shall spoil it.

"Anyway, good morning everyone", Professor Choi greets the entire class again. "I am happy that most of you got to my class early today", she curves a satisfied smile as she walks to the centre. "As I have informed you last week, I will be having an assistant, a research assistant, that will join my classes, your classes too throughout the semester"

She squints her eyes, searching the class for her assistant and smiles when she finally spots him.

"There you are!", she waves with a cheerful smile. "Everyone, please welcome my new research assistant, I know he is young so please don't bully him. He will be here for the entire four months so, please be nice to him"

Jiwoo and Haru quickly glanced over their shoulders, following their professor's eyes. The research assistant is seated two rows behind them, the entire row is empty, only him there. They gave him a quick polite nod when he suddenly looked at them, and then they turned their focus back to front.

"He is hot", Jiwoo whispers under her breathe.

"Everyone with glasses are hot to you"

"Where is the lie, anyway"


"I need to see Professor Choi, she wants to see me after class"

Jiwoo looks up from her phone, confusedly looking at her friend. "Oh you research? You haven't checked with her?"

"I haven't. She was too busy, so I asked if she could do it today", Haru packs all her papers into her bag, taking one long sip of her drink before tossing it into the dustbin. "I won't be long. Wait for me! Lets have dinner together! Call the guys!"

Haru heads straight to her department, gently knocking on her professor's door. She waits for a while, wondering if Madam Choi unintentionally forgets about their meeting again. She has missed two appointments before because she had sudden meetings with the management on which Haru couldn't blame her. But she really needs someone to check her proposal before she finalize them and print them out.

"Are you looking for Madam Choi?", a lecturer that happened to walk by greets her. "Ahh, Seo Haru! I have not seen you, how are you?"

"I am very good, Madam Kwon", she politely bows, flashing a very bright smile at her previous semester's lecturer. "How are you, Madam?"

"I am good, very good. I miss you in my classes!", she pats her shoulder gently. "Don't wait outside, wait in Madam Choi's office. Her assistant is in. I think he can help you too. It's your proposal, right?"

Serendipity ( Kim Taehyung)Where stories live. Discover now