Bonus Chapters? And Writing Competition

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I'm going to be brutally honest with you guys.
I'm no longer a fanfic writer. At least not in this way.

BUT if you want little fluff pieces and one shots of Will & Nico and Clint & the Avengers all getting on like a house on fire, then I'm more than happy to write some. It's just that now  I'm older, and have been writing more original works, the idea of regurgitating someone else's storyline is so repulsive to me.

However, that doesn't mean I'm done with this particular crossover. When I got this idea, the only Avengers/ PJO crossover was always to do with Percy, and usually Tony, and that pissed me off. So I took a underrated Avenger, and a (at the time) background camper, and decided to see what would happen.

And you guys were amazing, and let me run with my idea and supported it wholeheartedly.

But eventually I moved away from the recycling-existing-storylines side of fanfics, and updating this book became a chore, something that I dreaded. So I lost energy for it, and eventually decided to leave it by the wayside.

But I feel bad for that, because you guys were so amazing, and because I feel like I struck gold when I came up with the idea. I still sometimes think of situations and things that I could stick Will & Nico and the Avengers all in together and watch the chaos that ensues, and I want to write it all down but because it doesn't fit with the preexisting situations in the Avengers film, I don't.

So what I really want to know is if you guys think it's worth me writing them down and publishing them? Comment below.

PLEASE NOTE this does not mean I will finish the preexisting story. I'm done with it. Any comments complaining that fact will be deleted because I don't have the energy for that shit. At some points in the past, the number of update requests got so overwhelming that I even considered just deleting this book entirely.

However, this doesn't mean that you can't finish the story. I don't own it. So this is where the writing competition part comes in- if you send me a link to your finished version, published on wattpad, I will read it. I'll judge it against certain criteria, and if it ranks well enough, I will add it to a list of competition winners, which will be published and added to for as long as I have the energy to do so. Unlike most competitions, there is no closing date, so take as long as you need to perfect your book!

I look forward to reading your works of art,


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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