Son of the father (obviously)

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"We're from Long Island, and no, we shouldn't be at home cause Fury fucking kidnapped us." I said, as Nico seemed to have frozen. "When I say kidnap I mean he asked us very politely to go with him whilst we were at gun point. All because Hawkeye is my half brother."

"Hawkeye? Clint is... fuck." Nico turned to me, his surprise shaking him out of his fanboy moment.

"How else do you think he's become such a good bowman?" I asked. "I was told not to say but as we're here I can't exactly hide it."

Nico shrugged in agreement. There wasn't much that could properly ruffle him any more.. except.. "You're Steve Rogers, right? I'm kinda a big fan."

Rogers smiled. "Anything you want me to sign? I've already promised Coulson here I'll sign his vintage trading cards."

Nico glanced at Coulson. "Vintage?"

"They're really paraphernalia from the war.. I'm very proud of them.. took me years to collect the whole set." He proudly took out his phone to show us some pictures of them.

"Oh I got those." Nico said. "They were difficult to collect, being Italian of course, but I managed it." He stopped suddenly, his face screaming 'SHITSHITSHIT'

The halloween man was looking at us weirdly. "Halfbloods." He announced, and I could have fainted from shock. "I am right, yes? You stink of god and human- although, not my type of god.."

"Your type?" I asked, before I could stop myself.

"I am Thor, son of Odin." He said, gesturing to an empty room. "Shall we take this inside?" Coulson attempted to say that he needed to get us back to our room, but he was no match for the Norse god. 


As we all followed him into the room, I had no clue what to do. We could reveal ourselves, and have these mortals hound Olympus- the complete opposite of what I had been sent to Clint's to do... or.. Or we could wait for Thor to work it out, and accuse us of hiding information from him.

"Nico diAnglo, son of Hades." Nico made up my mind for me, stepping forward to shake Thor's hand.

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