King of Shadows

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(Last chapter could have been longer, only I hit 420 words and decided to leave it at that- C)

The interrogation in the other room was not going well. The man was shouting, Nico curled up so small he was almost not there at all. The shadows were also gathering around him, but fortunately I seemed to be the only one to notice.
The dividing door swung open and the man stood there, eyeing me up. "You, get in there and we'll see if he's willing to talk."
I scrambled up, and rushed to Nico's side.

"Neeks?" I whispered. "Nico. You've got to snap out of it. Please. Before they notice." I touched him lightly on the arm. He didn't respond, but the shadows returned to their proper places.

"Let's try this again, shall we?" the man said, sitting down.

Nico scooted up so I could sit next to him, my arms around him. 
In the corridor, I could just see a man- who looked a little like Snape- walk past, smirking, surrounded by guards. He appeared to be looking at me, but when I heard Nico's breath hitch, I knew he was staring at my boyfriend.

The man who was meant to be interrogating Nico never got to resume his questioning, due to another man walking quietly but surely into the room. "Afternoon, Coulson." Our interrogator said, "I presume it's important?"

"Yes. Fury orders that all.. visitors... remain in their..rooms. I'm to take them back now."
Upon first glance, this man didn't look like someone who would take prisoners- because that's what we were- back to their cells, but after a second look, it was obvious that he was armed and determined. He marched us out of the room without a second look at the interrogator.
"I decided that you kids probably needed a break. Bauer can be tough and he doesn't understand emotions too well. It makes him a great interrogator but.. anyway, you can thank me later." He muttered.

I glanced at Nico, and allowed myself a smile, but it was short lived.
Three men were walking down the passage towards us, and I could feel Nico tense next to me.

I tried to look down at their feet, rather than at their faces. "Son of Coul, where are you taking those.. children?" One asked, his voice one of confusion. "Is this normal?" He said, quieter, presumably to his companions.

"Does it matter?" Another voice- stressed- said shortly.

"Tony- one minute. Agent, why are there teenagers on board? Shouldn't you boys be at home? Where are you from?"

I looked up. One of the three men was dressed- well, oddly to say the least. He looked a bit like a younger Zeus, crossed with my father. He had a cloak and looked like he'd missed the date for Halloween. 'Tony' was that billionaire guy my mom used to admire. The one who had just finished talking was none other than Nico's hero- Captain America.

Fucking hell this couldn't be worse.

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