Old guys club

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GUYS, the following note is from my hoodie dealer - "There's a warning in the description of the book- the author only updates when he's happy with the chapter, and yes, that can take years." -CJ.

I still don't completely like this chapter, but feel like I should publish something to celebrate 10k (cheers, my dudes) -CL

Thor turned to the room after we had made our introductions. "And I expect you all to forget about the existence of other gods- you have enough godly help as it is. You mortals need to fight for yourselves sometimes."

Coulson, Rogers, and Stark all nodded. Stark opened his mouth, but a look from Rogers silenced him.
"Not my type of god." Rogers muttered to himself quietly, before he turned to Nico. "I didn't know that the cards made it to Italy- do you know a collector there?"

"No, I was in America, but of course whilst it was going on no one really trusted Italians so it took me a while to collect them."

Rogers looked at him "You were there? At the time?"

Nico nodded. He was confident now, having reminded himself that he was, after all, the son of Hades, and that Captain America was just a man, even if he was unlike any other.

"How old are you really?" Rogers asked, a smile barely hidden on his face.

"15 but.. born in 1924.. I was kinda frozen in time for a bit so.." Nico drifted off, thinking.

"So was I," Rogers was really smiling now, "The world's changed a lot, hasn't it?"

Nico laughed dryly. "You can say that again."

"If you guys are going to reminisce can the rest of us leave? I've got a lot of work to do and I'm kinda behind schedule already. "

"Alright, Tony." Rogers said. He and Nico found some tables to sit on to chat, and Coulson stood by the door to ensure that Nico and I didn't make a dash for it. I wandered over to a window, that looked out onto a launching bay for planes. A figure was visible out of my peripheral vision.

"Son of Apollo." Thor said, standing next to me and looking out.

"My name's Will." I muttered, suddenly very annoyed. Why did nothing ever go to plan?

Thor 'hmm'ed.

We stood there in silence for a while. "Is it true you can watch films on your hammer?" I asked suddenly. 

Thor laughed. "Yes. What do you want to watch?"

I never got to decide, though, because an emergency warning sounded. Coulson grabbed Nico and me and quickly marched us back to our cabin. 

"Thanks for rescuing us from the interrogator." I smiled.

"And for letting us chat to the Cap!" Nico added.

"Well, don't tell anyone. It's not worth my job. You boys look after each other, okay? There will be a guard outside, so stay where you are, else I'll have to lock the door."

Agent Barton: Son Of ApolloDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora