Fury on the doorstep

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Dedicated to my favourite little sister sparkyintheforest. You might be my only little sister, but you can still be my favourite. Thanks for putting up with my shitty writing, and managing to be enthusiastic about all my books. -C

There was a knock on the door just as I was finishing my breakfast. Clint opened it, but didn't let the person in.
I strained to hear the conversation.
"..I have a family now. I can't just leave them."

"You have a job."

"Then, Sir, I'd like to resign."

"Barton. I am drafting you back in. There is nothing you can do. You are being sent to base, so pack appropriately."

"The tes..act?" Clint said, so quietly that I missed part of the word.

"What do you think?"

"Look, Sir. It's my lil'brother's birthday, and I promised him to an archery competition later. You just turn up on the doorstep and expect me to drop my family just to go protect a stupid cube."

"You weren't answering your phone. I'll give you twenty hours. Be at HQ." there was a pause. "Now do you say there's a party? Why don't you invite me in?"

"Sir.." Barton said, as if he was warning his boss, but he let the man in anyway.
The man was introduced to us as Nick Fury, but, although he seemed very civil, he also appeared to mistrust Nico and I.
Nico shifted uncomfortably in his seat, awkward under Fury's gaze. I wanted to spring up and stand between them, to protect Nico, even though Fury wasn't officially threatening him. Breakfast was finished in silence, Fury tucking into the pancakes as much as the rest of us. I didn't trust him at all, despite how friendly he tried to appear.

Fury stayed just long enough for Clint and I to have our archery competition, and then left, warning Clint that he was expected at HQ by 7 am the next morning.

The house seemed empty without Clint, and I considered going back to camp because it seemed like my investigations were over, but Nico convinced me to stay- 'Just to help Laura'.

The next day, however, Fury returned. I glanced out of my bedroom window, and saw him walk towards the door, as a group of armed personnel climbed out of another vehicle, and surrounded the house.

I could hear Laura talking downstairs, and suddenly Nico came running into my room.
"They want to bring us in- for questioning - no idea why. What do we do?" he said. "Do we fight? Escape?"

I thought quickly. Both of those options would put Laura and the kids in danger.
"No. We go. But on our own terms."

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