I get love advice from a legend

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Will's POV
I was left looking at the farmstead, with nothing but my backpack, bow, and my memories. Especially those of that morning... Saying goodbye to my friends, my siblings.. Nico..

I groaned, cursing the son of Hades for making me so confused.
He was my friend, yes, but in some ways he was more than that. And he was so open to me, when he shoved other people away. He had told me that he was gay, he had told me that being the son of Hades hadn't helped with his depression. He had told me how much Bianca's death had truly hurt, and because it had been partly due to Percy as well..
He had shown me the boy who was broken, the person who he really was, but he hid it behind a mask of anger when around other people.
I was worried for him, because I had now left him. Even though it wasn't my fault, it would still make him trust me less, or worse, not at all.

I gritted my teeth, and walked up to the door. Better get this over with.
I knocked on the door, and it was opened by a lady.
She looked at me, in a way that reminded me painfully of my mom, and asked "William Solace?"

I nodded, but pointed out "Just Will."

"Ok." Laura said. "You best come in." she held the door open for me, and I walked tentatively inside the house.

A man came clattering down the stairs, a young girl in his arms.
He handed the girl, Lila, to his wife, and muttered something that I couldn't hear.

Laura nodded, and left the hallway.

"Will?" he asked. I nodded. "Put your things down, and we can talk in the garden."
I put down my rucksack, and then my bow as well.
"Knife?" Clint asked.

"In my bag." I said.

"You should really keep it on you." he said.

"I prefer a bow."

"So do I, but you can't hide bows."

I nodded. He was talking to me as if he had known me all his life, but we had never met.

"So." He started, as soon as we were outside. He sat on the steps before continuing. "Will. You're a son of Apollo, and Chiron has told me that you need some time away from camp.. I always found that my siblings and I were rushed off our feet working in the infirmary most days, so why did they let you off?"

"I.. I think Chiron thinks I've been spending too much of my time there.. And other, personal things as well... I've just been getting a bit stressed lately, ya know?" I said, trying to think on my feet a bit. "I don't know why he turned to you, but it's Chiron. I don't ask."

"I did say, once, that if any campers needed some time away from camp then they could stay with me.." Clint said, thoughtfully. "Well, I expect you to tell me about camp later, currently, tell me about you."
It was almost an order.

"I'm 15.. My best friend is called Nico diAnglo, a son of Hades.." Clint raised an eyebrow. Shit. Why did I have to mention Nico practically first?!? "I'm head camper of Cabin 7.." I drifted off.

"Girlfriend?" Clint asked.

"No.. Not really my type." I said, looking at my feet.

"Hey.. It's ok." Clint said, making me look up. "We're all taking bets, at work, on whether my friend Phil is gay..." he suddenly stopped. "So, this son of Hades..?" he asked, smiling.

"I.. I don't know. I mean, yeah, he's cute, and yeah, I know he's also gay, but he's my best friend... I don't want to jeopardise it.."

"If he's such a great friend, even if he doesn't want.. that.., it won't jeopardise anything." he looked at me. "And you strongly resemble our father, no son of Hades would be able to resist." he said, grinning. He nudged me, and I knew then that Chiron shouldn't have worried. The man sitting next to me would never accidently, or purposely, mention the existence of demigods in today's society.

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